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  • Pay up or get out: Apple's options for South Korea's App Store law

    What does this give to an indie developer? I can see it only affecting those developers who have the means to implement their own payment processor.

    What happens if Apple have to allow third-party stores onto iOS? Do I, as an indie dev, have to decide which stores to put my apps on? It's hard enough to deal with the one App Store at the moment, but adding extras will make it very time-consuming for me.

    Will Apple have to create some way for any third-party store to check our developer profiles and certificates?

    And what about updates? If I've signed up to three or four stores, every update has to go to those three or four stores. That multiplies my work with every store I sell in.

    Where are the updates stored? My own server? AWS? Who's paying for this?

    Will every store use the same image sizes for their marketing etc., or will I have to do a 2048x2048px image for Apple's store, and an 1896x1896px one for a different store?

    And what store is going to do this out of the goodness of their hearts? None. There will be a price. Will it be $99/year like Apple's? SO now I have to pay $99 plus $49 plus $35 plus $50 for those other stores every year.

    As an indie dev, I can't afford that. I'd stick with Apple's way of doing it.
  • Hands on: Azio Izo wireless keyboard set is an attractive, functional addition to your des...

    Oh Gods, no. This is vile. And why is that calculator so thick?
  • Users lobby 1Password to abandon new Electron version

    I'll wait until the next version is out of beta and released before I chime in on how it performs, but if it's rubbish I'll switch to a different app. I'm generally quite loyal to companies, but if I get a degraded experience then I'm happy to move away. I think a lot of others will, too.
    gilly33magman1979byronlomar moralesseanjgbdocwatto_cobradoozydozen
  • Apple Watch Support for Bike+ cut back due to GymKit implementation issues, says Peloton

    I think this is likely a case of Apple's Product Managers creating a bunch of development stories to implement, then putting them on-hold to get the initial version of the software out of the door. It's not beyond the ability of Apple's engineers to do this, but they are constrained by the levels above. You get this everywhere that software is being written; things are prioritised out of scope. We might see it sometime down the road, and I would expect it sooner rather than later.

    On the other hand, this is typical Apple. If you're doing any sort of workout and accidentally tap "End" instead of "Pause", there's no way to go back - the workout is ended; that's it, done, all over. There's nothing stopping Apple from adding a "Resume" button next to the "Done" button so you can carry on where you left off, but no.

    The user experience of most Apple software is getting poorer. Here's an example that I've bugged with Apple: you still can't edit the tags on anything in the Books app. I have an audiobook that releases a chapter each week, but if I add the new chapter to the Books app it adds it to a completely different book rather than simply a new chapter in the same book. I cannot edit the tags in the Books app so I have to use the Music app, but to do that I have to disable my Wi-Fi so Music doesn't upload it to my iCloud Library. If I don't disable Wi-Fi and I edit the tags while it's being uploaded, upon saving the changes the Music app reverts them to what's in the iCloud Library, i.e. none of my changes are saved. Terrible user experience. When I disable Wi-Fi, I can make the changes, then drag the file back out of Music and delete it from the library. I should not have to disable my Wi-Fi just to edit the tags on an audio file.

    Apple split iTunes into separate apps, and the new apps don't have all the standard features you'd expect. Editing the tags on any file should be standard.
  • Steve Wozniak 'can't tell the difference' between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13

    I can tell the difference. The battery life in my iPhone 13 Pro Max is MUCH better than that in my 12 Pro Max. The screen with ProMotion is excellent. The photos I take are better, especially night time shots.

    There may not be many differences, but what can you expect for a new device every year? Should it be a different shape? Have 100 camera lenses? Have under-screen Face ID and Touch ID? Should it sense when you're feeling sad and play uplifting music? It's iterative; there aren't massive leaps each year.
  • Apple releases second developer beta for macOS Big Sur 11.1

    Well, I hope they've fixed these annoying bugs I've raised.

    1. My iCloud Drive sometimes decides that it only knows about files I've loaded there myself, and forgets things like the Numbers, Pages and Desktop folders.
    2. The Sidebar in Finder windows keeps resetting to defaults.
    3. com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsA process sucks the life out of my Mac, and I can't see how it's doing anything.
    4. Some aliases on my Desktop don't show the icon I've given them, and revert to a standard macOS Finder folder icon.
    5. You still can't see the chapters in an audiobook in the Books app until you actually start playing the book.
  • Epic's Tim Sweeney calls Google 'crazy,' says 'Apple must be stopped'

    Does he even think about what he says before he says it?

    FTA: According to BloombergSweeney says he is working with developers and unspecified service providers to make an app store that would mean users could "buy software in one place, knowing that they'd have it on all devices and all platforms."

    This means that all platforms - Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Android, Tizen, etc. - would have to support the same APIs in the same way for every app to function in the same way. This is possible but it would mean every platform would be pretty much the same. Alternatively, he's working on something like Flash or Java, neither of which would be a great user experience on a mobile device. Innovation would suck as every company making hardware is stuck with certain requirements.

    Besides, Apple are already doing this on their own platforms. Buy once, use everywhere, and you can even share your purchases.

    Sweeney's idea won't work. Companies want to innovate to differentiate themselves from others. Sweeney looks like the sort of person who only cares about the money not the customer.
  • Pay up or get out: Apple's options for South Korea's App Store law

    darkpaw said:
    What does this give to an indie developer? I can see it only affecting those developers who have the means to implement their own payment processor.

    What happens if Apple have to allow third-party stores onto iOS? Do I, as an indie dev, have to decide which stores to put my apps on? It's hard enough to deal with the one App Store at the moment, but adding extras will make it very time-consuming for me.

    Will Apple have to create some way for any third-party store to check our developer profiles and certificates?

    And what about updates? If I've signed up to three or four stores, every update has to go to those three or four stores. That multiplies my work with every store I sell in.

    Where are the updates stored? My own server? AWS? Who's paying for this?

    Will every store use the same image sizes for their marketing etc., or will I have to do a 2048x2048px image for Apple's store, and an 1896x1896px one for a different store?

    And what store is going to do this out of the goodness of their hearts? None. There will be a price. Will it be $99/year like Apple's? SO now I have to pay $99 plus $49 plus $35 plus $50 for those other stores every year.

    As an indie dev, I can't afford that. I'd stick with Apple's way of doing it.
    A post with too many silly questions. Funnily enough, you have answered ALL of your questions in the last line of your post. NOTHING changes for you. 
    What silly questions? I asked pertinent questions. Your response was silly.
  • Meta's Zuckerberg takes shots at Apple App Store fees, maintains its own

    "Multiple document trove leaks and whistleblower reports have suggested that Facebook (now known as Meta) is aware of these issues."

    I thought the holding company was called Meta? Facebook is just a brand inside the holding company, so Facebook is NOT now known as Meta, right?
  • UK government lauds Apple's CSAM plans as it seeks to skirt end-to-end encryption

    If you've been paying attention, anything that Priti Patel endorses should cause you to think before agreeing with her. She is an incompetent minister, a bully, and she's broken the Ministerial Code numerous times. Those aren't ad hominem attacks, and they aren't based on her race; they are facts, and are based on her actions and record.