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  • Epic's Tim Sweeney calls Google 'crazy,' says 'Apple must be stopped'

    Does he even think about what he says before he says it?

    FTA: According to BloombergSweeney says he is working with developers and unspecified service providers to make an app store that would mean users could "buy software in one place, knowing that they'd have it on all devices and all platforms."

    This means that all platforms - Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Android, Tizen, etc. - would have to support the same APIs in the same way for every app to function in the same way. This is possible but it would mean every platform would be pretty much the same. Alternatively, he's working on something like Flash or Java, neither of which would be a great user experience on a mobile device. Innovation would suck as every company making hardware is stuck with certain requirements.

    Besides, Apple are already doing this on their own platforms. Buy once, use everywhere, and you can even share your purchases.

    Sweeney's idea won't work. Companies want to innovate to differentiate themselves from others. Sweeney looks like the sort of person who only cares about the money not the customer.
  • Facebook's Nick Clegg says Apple privacy moves are 'commercial land grab'

    Wasn't it a commercial land grab that Facebook et al did in the first place? They pushed adverts onto my screen, whether I wanted them or not, and then they tied them to my browsing habits. Apple's ATT gives ME the ability to tell Facebook to sod off, and I have done so.
  • Steve Wozniak 'can't tell the difference' between iPhone 12 and iPhone 13

    I can tell the difference. The battery life in my iPhone 13 Pro Max is MUCH better than that in my 12 Pro Max. The screen with ProMotion is excellent. The photos I take are better, especially night time shots.

    There may not be many differences, but what can you expect for a new device every year? Should it be a different shape? Have 100 camera lenses? Have under-screen Face ID and Touch ID? Should it sense when you're feeling sad and play uplifting music? It's iterative; there aren't massive leaps each year.
  • Meta's Zuckerberg takes shots at Apple App Store fees, maintains its own

    "Multiple document trove leaks and whistleblower reports have suggested that Facebook (now known as Meta) is aware of these issues."

    I thought the holding company was called Meta? Facebook is just a brand inside the holding company, so Facebook is NOT now known as Meta, right?
  • Facebook to reportedly rebrand with focus on the metaverse

    I had a Facebook account for about a year. Their algorithms decided to surface a video of two teenagers putting a kitten in a plastic bowl, squirting lighter fluid onto it, and setting it on fire.

    I reported it. Facebook's moderators said it didn't breach their guidelines because "it could have been a video from an animal charity that was pointing out what they have to fight against". It wasn't from an animal charity - what sort of animal charity would show that?! - it was on the teenagers' pages.

    In that moment, I closed my account, and I have had nothing further to do with that hellsite.

    I don't care what Zuckerberg calls his wet dream. He is a terrible person, and I won't be having anything to do with him or his 'metaverse' bollox.