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  • Mac Pro in danger after fumbled Apple Silicon launch

    JamesCude said:
    It's a relic from another era. Mac Studio covers 98% of the use-cases and sorry but the remaining folks who "need" these really don't- they just need to update how they handle I/O and seek more efficient processing. 
    Um no, Thunderbolt does not have enough bandwidth for 8K video it has to be done via PCI-E.

    All the people panning these machines expected their idea of a workstation. This was never on the cards what was on the cards is what we got a very niche machine to host AVID HDX cards for ProTools and SDI video I/O cards for Resolve/Premier/Final Cut.
  • Apple AI, visionOS 2.0, iOS 18: What to expect from Apple during WWDC 2024 on June 10

    The people who consider the Mac Pro a massive fumble are not the target market and do not understand why the machine exists at all. Apple was never going to make a direct replacement for the x86 Mac Pro.

    The current Mac Pro exists only to host Avid HDX cards for ProTools and to host 8K video acquisition cards from AJA or Blackmagic Design.

    The instant that neither of those applications need an internal PCI-E slot then the Mac Pro goes away for good.
  • Amazon now lets you log in with Apple's Face ID or Touch ID and Passkeys

    Not contradicting your post 22, but passkeys make me uneasy. Give me a password that is strong that I store in keychain and I’m in charge of my own destiny (and access to the resource). 

    Loose a device or an invisible crypto passkey and you’re buggered. #luddite  🤷‍♂️ 
    Stored the way Apple, Google and MS have implemented it I agree you essentially never have direct access to the private key. I can see why they designed it like this essentially to stop people handing over their credentials to all and sundry like they do with passwords.

    In the Apple world at least you don't have to use iCloud Keychain you can store the passkey in anything which implements the correct bits of the autofill API. Right now I know that Strongbox can do this and store the passkey in a Keepass kdbx file. That at least you can access directly and store and more importantly backup wherever you like.

    At that point the usage of the passkey is similar to a sequence of the same entropy stored in keepass except with the advantage that because the passkey relies on a cryptographic transaction it's secure against a bunch of attacks the password isn't.
  • Masimo CEO steps down, but not because of Apple Watch dispute

    The Massimo board approved spinning Sound United back out again in April but there has been no more announcements about what that might look like.
  • Apple isn't happy about India's demand to upgrade older iPhones with USB-C

    darkvader said:
    It's already been shown that USB C will work in the older iPhones. 

    Apple should get their act together.
    The cost of retooling an old design for any variation is so great that it is not economically viable. Apple would just discontinue all lightning models when the mandate came in to force and only sell the iPhone 15. It would remain that way for a few years until a USB-C based shell gets in to a lower cost iPhone. The most likely thing being a retool of an existing design for a iPhone SE 4
  • Apple caves, EU developers will be able to sell apps directly from their websites

    sirdir said:
    This was 100% clear from the beginning. An Appstore is not “sideloading”, who would have guessed . Now just the fees have to go. If you don’t use any of Apple‘s services, why would you pay them.
    To pay for the development of the platform, you want fee free AppStore then you get to pay $1000 per seat for XCode. Why should Apple have to give it to you for free?

    This is exactly how Visual Studio works for Windows if you don't fall in to the carve outs for the community edition then you pay.

  • Musicians to lose Finale notation app after 35 years

    It’s an almost certainty it couldn’t be open sourced code bases this age tend to have all sorts of copyright issues and rights holders involved and it can be next to impossible track down all the right holders and to get the license changes needed. There are two relatively successful instances I know of which are Blender and Staroffice (which became open/libreoffice) I can’t think of any other successes.

    For similar reasons it may be impossible to release a ‘sunset’ edition it’s very probable that they have third party licensed code or libraries which require periodic fees.

    It’s very stupid but copyright law can make it prohibitively expensive or far too hard to allow software like Finale to continue vs forcing a hard end date.
  • Apple's legal bid to pause Apple Watch sales & import ban fails

    I very much doubt Apple will 'pick up the phone' that would result in having to pay a license fee in the US, possibly retroactive royalties for product already shipped and set a precedent for action in the rest of the world.

    They will presumably rev the hardware to remove the feature at least for the US market and bring it back the moment the patent expires.

    For example it's speculated that the real reason MagSafe went away and came back again was a 3rd party patent claim on elements of it.
  • UK rushes through Digital Markets Act copycat to regulate mostly US big tech

    Brexit was stupid.

    If they'd just left well enough alone, they'd already be covered by the DMA.

    But a few months late is at least better than nothing.  There still needs to be worldwide normal software installation and a band on Apple's extortionate 'core technology fee'.

    So everything must legislatively work like a 'traditional' computer according to you?

    What the DMA will actually cause is an increase in the number of people losing their shirts to fraud. It might as well be called the fund Russia and North Korea act.

    Perhaps Apple should do what Micheal Dell advised all those years ago 'Shut down and give the money back to shareholders' just to put the middle finger up at the politicians telling them how to design their products.
  • Apple & Spotify now fighting over audio books

    ITGUYINSD said:
     actually do something to deserve a cut.

    They do you just don't understand what it is they are doing.

    In terms of what Apple should do it's very simple:

    - if your app is free then Xcode and AppStore distribution is free

    - if your app costs money but does not have an out of App Store subscription then Xcode and App Store distribution is free.

    - if your app is free but has an outside App Store subscription then Xcode costs $1000 per year per user (roughly what Visual Studio costs enterprises) and you are billed for hosting and data transfer based on number of downloads of your app quarterly in arrears.

    - if you want to have a 3rd party App Store then Apple should allow it but turn off all features which require the Secure Enclave to function when a 3rd party store is installed.
