dave marsh


dave marsh
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  • Which to buy - Apple Smart Keyboard Folio vs Logitech Slim Folio Pro

    Shouldn't it also be worth mentioning that the smart connector can be a superior way to connect than Bluetooth? I use a Bluetooth keyboard and am constantly annoyed that when I need to enter text, I do not get the on-screen keyboard because my BT keyboard is still connected because I've forgotten to turn it off. Often it's across the room and I have to get up to turn it off, or shut off Bluetooth on my iPad.

    With a smart connector, as soon as I go back into tablet mode, I don't have to worry about whether-or-not I have remembered to turn off my keyboard. I know it sounds like a minor gripe, but it's annoying enough that it's had me wondering if Apple's keyboard is right for me :) 
    The Logitech keyboard has a row of iOS keys along the top that includes a screen keyboard key.  So, you can switch from the physical keyboard when typing text to the screen keyboard, if you prefer, with just the push of a button.  No need to disconnect BlueTooth.
  • Three things Apple got wrong with the Vision Pro launch

    Apple’s basic flaw for me was in not working out the eye alignment issues for users with prescription lenses using prisms.  They didn’t allow for prescription prisms, but then also failed to provide a software eye alignment tool to make up for this.  So, my basic prescription without prisms gives me in-focus/sharp images, but leaves me with double vision, preventing the Vision Pro from properly tracking my eyes.  I’ve been told by Apple corporate that a software fix is in the works, but not when I can expect it.  The result is that I’m keeping the unit while waiting for the fix, and only taking it out once in a while to play with it using one eye until the eye alignment fix comes out.
  • Apple having trouble finding ex-iOS head Scott Forstall for Epic testimony

    The phone throttling issue was a PR failure, period.  Apple was trying to do the right thing and give users a few more years of functionality with a dying phone, but failed to advise its customers what/why it was doing that.  It was a lot of brouhaha about nothing.
  • Future Apple Vision: What to expect from Apple's next headsets

    An interesting speculation, indeed.  To reduce costs, there will definitely be a trade-off over components/features.  After using the Vision Pro for the past five months, I’d comment that the weight issue is WHERE the weight is, not how much it is.  I used to ride a motorcycle in my youth and wearing a heavy helmet all day wasn’t an issue, since it sat on top of my head, not hanging off my face.  So, a proper head strap setup should handle that.  

    Seoncdly, I’d suggest that the emotional appeal of 3D family images taken with the Vision Pro are a killer feature, and should not be removed from a future less expensive model.  That feature alone certainly has driven sales.

    Now, if they’d just deal with the lack of prism support in optical inserts for double vision customers, I’d be fully satisfied.  It should be straightforward to use software to let the customer tweak the image alignment from each 4K screen to provide full functionality for vision impaired customers.
    Alex1Nslow n easywatto_cobra
  • Man credits Apple Watch Fall Detection for saving his life

    Is the ability to detect a fall automatically enabled in the Apple Watch Series 4, or later, if the owner isn’t over 65? 
    I don't think fall detection on the Apple Watch has any connection to age.
    But the healthcare system assumes you are more likely to fall if you are over 65 because they substitute chronological age generalizations for health and physical fitness.

    My PCP had to ask the standard Medicare questions at my last checkup -- including the "Have you fallen in the last 12 months".  My answer was that I tripped over a leaf covered, half buried rock while out running in the woods -- which is something none of my doctors would be able to do and, in fact, she was in a cast after breaking her ankle when she tripped over a curb).  But somehow it was me who got classified as a fall risk!

    Apple Watch automatically turns on Fall Detection calls if you’ve entered your age in the Health App or Emergency Contact area and you’re over 55.  https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208944
  • Apple ramps up work on fully autonomous 'Apple Car,' targets 2025 release

    As a sage once pontificated, Apple isn’t just going to jump in and win in this category.  Why, there are automakers with over 100 years of experience, not to mention watchmakers with over 100 years of experience, or portable phone makers with decades of experience, or …
  • Mac Pro and Mac Studio refreshes may wait till 2025

    I think it’s pretty clear Apple released the M4 in the new iPad Pros because they are low volume devices.  M4 production is currently constrained by TSMC.  I would think the low volume sales of the Mac Studios would make them another prime candidate for early use of the M4.  It won’t spread to the rest of the higher volume devices until TSMC can produce enough.  So, it’s sad to think I may have to wait another year to upgrade/replace my 2017 iMac Pro, if this rumor is correct.
  • How Apple's 40 years of learning & iteration is powering Vision Pro

    As a forty year Apple customer (I still have my original Mac128k), I’ve watched this scenario play out in real time over and over again.  Apple has almost never been first with a new product, but rather sits back and watches what other companies bring to market and then learns what’s most useful/valuable/popular with those products.  It studies them, determines what’s not quite right with them, and starts to figure out how to make them better.  When it thinks it has the right mix of technology, software, and features, it brings its version to market and cleans everyone else’s clock.  So, those other companies are essentially a proof of concept lab for Apple to watch and decide whether those products are worth their time to invest in.

    There have been several false starts over the years, as with the Newton, but that was basically a product before its time.  The technology wasn’t quite ready for such an amazing conceptual tool.  Today’s iPhones have assumed its place and taken over the world with realtime connectivity to the world.  You’d be hard pressed to walk down the street anywhere today and not find someone using one, or one of its third party clones.

    Now Apple is turning to the spatial computing paradigm, using the gaming proof of concept headset hardware as their starting place.  The technology still isn’t quite there.  Even with Apple creating its own hardware, the first generation Vision Pro headset is going to be a bit heavier than desired, and its killer application is still a bit nebulous.  Even so, I’m very excited about getting my hands on one.  My vision is definitely failing, so having a head mounted screen I can enlarge with the twist of a dial is very appealing to me, both for watching TV/movies and reading, not to mention performing my regular computing needs, which I now accomplish either with my iPad Pro or my iMac Pro with two 27” displays.  The idea of sitting on my sofa and taking care of all my computing needs and entertainment desires by just flicking my fingers and typing on a virtual keyboard is very appealing to this 76 year old.  It might even eventually render some of my other Apple products unnecessary for my needs.  Apple has never feared competing with itself, so I think the future of this product is very exciting.
  • The best Apple Vision Pro productivity apps at launch

    Don’t forget that all iPad apps are supposed to run on the Vision Pro.  So, while streaming apps may not initially be native, their iPad counterparts should run ok.  Using the immersion knob to enlarge the viewing area should be a killer feature if it doesn’t downgrade the video substantially.
  • visionOS 2.0 gets big upgrades with photo 3D processing, multiple 4K Mac screens & more

    I also heard nothing of the Accessibility update that Apple Executive Relations advised me months ago was coming to deal with the lack of prism support.  So, while I appreciate their offering me a full refund after the two week window closed, I love the product enough and continue to struggle along with third party optical inserts with prisms that I have no intention of returning it.  I can view content clearly now, but have to drag every window right up near me to directly touch controls to manipulate content, since visionOS can’t determine where my eyes are looking to allow vision control.  Perhaps when they release visionOS 2.0 public beta in July I’ll discover the unmentioned controls in System Settings.  Fingers crossed.