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  • Apple Park office chairs cost nearly $1,200 apiece, handpicked by designer Jony Ive

    Yeah, I prefer the Herman Miller Aeron as well, but these are in the ballpark for price, maybe 15-20% higher list. The Aeron are easily discounted 50% on the web these day, and I would not be surprised if Apple got a larger discount, because at the quantity, they were manufactured to order. So they probably paid about the same or $500 per chair. Hey that it still not cheap, but not ridiculous if the chair is worth it. The Aeron is, IMO, but it's all about that web. Not sure about comfort of the Vitra Pacifica. I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't chosen as an assist to launch of new design by a local company.
  • Apple sued over atrial fibrillation optical sensor in Apple Watch

    ralphie said:
    MissNomer said:
    Methinx the good doctor is about to undergo a valuable lesson in the huge cavernous difference between filing a patent and actually having a valid one.

    These devices have been around for yonks - I know 'cause my a-fib was monitored using one way back in the late 90s.

    Prior art is gonna kick this one to the curb.
    I guess you don’t know much about the patent system. Also take a look at how many of these never-to-become-real patents Apple has filed.

    The doctor will be on the winning end of this suit, likely a massive settlement.
    No, this is a bad patent, if you read it. So much meaningless gobbledygook, with a single paragraph of a so-called invention: use a computer in real time to monitor heartbeat with an alarm output, use some unspecified "algorithm", magic happens, and you detect atrial fib. That is what is called "obvious to a person skilled in the art". Anyone that knows anything about atrial fib, its basic measurement, and that computers can take data and calculate on the fly could write this. The heart of any true invention in this area would be the use of specific new detectors (not claimed here), or new knowledge of atrial fib (not claimed here), or a new algorithm (not claimed here). Pure junk patent.
  • Review: Yobi B3 HomeKit Doorbell is easy to install and use

    It might be a micro-Fresnel lens right over the imager: those rainbows rays from the sun would be an artifact from the fresnel zone lines.
  • Bluetooth streaming problems introduced in Apple's iOS 9.2 remain, have wide ramifications

    Article doesn't really in the end explain the problem, although it suggests it is mostly about hardware vendors not providing testing or updates to make sure they meet changes in Bluetooth protocols.