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  • Apple services & Apple Card 'too late to the game,' HSBC downgrades stock

    So, let me understand this, APPL didn't choose HSBC to back their Apple Card.  HSBC is underwhelmed by the prospect of high profit customers getting the non-HSBC card?  Nothing here folks, move along. . . .

  • Android amps up campaign to push Apple into adopting RCS

    Why not see Apple release iMessage as an Android app?  It would leave SMS/MMS to Android users, bring blue-bubble to both sides of the user views and give true E2EE for all users.  Secure and assured delivery.  The answer to me is that iMessage is a product lock-in for the iOS ecosystem.  But counterpoint, so was Apple-Music which is now available in Android.  -RJ
  • DOJ confirms successful iPhone data extraction, withdraws encryption case against Apple [u]

    And the question we all have is: 'what was on the phone?' 

  • A 5G iPhone will cost Apple about $21 in licensing fees to Nokia, Qualcomm, and others

    At Apple's 200M iPhones per year run-rate and $21 per phone to Qualcomm, that is a $4.2Bn per year flow out of Cupertino and into San Diego.  Regardless of the public animosity between these two companies, nearly 20% of Qualcomm's revenue is derived from Apple in such an agreement.  -RJ
  • Microsoft to adopt app store guiding principles for Windows, but not Xbox

    dewme said:
    Hmm, if you’re a developer paying more than $1000 a year for a MSDN subscription versus Apple’s $99 per year, exactly how is Microsoft’s “guiding principles” making your life better? 

    In case you haven’t noticed it yet, there is a concerted and orchestrated effort by several a major ISVs including MSFT to break Apple’s dominance in the competitive marketplace. Simply put, all of these companies that have failed to compete against Apple on a level competitive playing field are trying to use the court of public opinion and political hacks to do what their engineers were unable to accomplish when presented with the challenge to out-innovate, out-perform, and out-satisfy buyers in the markets that they compete against Apple. They have basically given up and thrown in the towel because they couldn’t compete on a level playing field, so now now they want to tilt the field. Quite pathetic and  demoralizing for the people involved. Microsoft and its army of mediocrity is shooting for a big shiny participation trophy and guaranteed payday, courtesy of Uncle Sam. 

    At least Gates and Balmer tried to win.
    Google, Apple and Xbox are free operating systems earning on their app store sales.  Windows is a paid-for operating system Microsoft earns on initial and possibly ongoing O/S sale.  

    Any scheme to have external app store allows for WeChat App-as-OS with its own store/payment system and no oversight.  What if there were Communist-Chat, GunChat or PornChat apps that themselves had no rule breaking code or content but their internal cloud apps did whatever they wanted?  Not only are all those sales avoiding payments to the free operating systems (starving them) but there is no app review, API security or data protections.  Its Cydia as Jailbreaking app in the AppStore.  -RJ