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  • "What tech do you least want to see in a new desktop or laptop?" A website where people don't read the first post. \
  • Here is a guy with a plan! http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/
  • I am a teacher and a Mac addict. But I would never participate in an event such as this. It is hint of "school/community" involvement to try and hide the marketing. The same event could be held in the school where the students actually created th…
  • I have seen many so far, most of them have been like the Mac ads of people who hated macs all their lives (usually from under funded public education whose computers border on being older than the teachers), but once they have had a chance to use a …
  • He has a real point. Classic mode in OSX is incompatible with NT networks. MANY pros work on NT networks. Currently you can not operate a print facility that uses NT as its network and use OSX. Pagemaker, inDesign and Quark are not yet available for…
  • 3 ccd cameras are very expensive, but are also very good. I is just a matter of how much you want to spend and do you really need that quality for your needs. already recorded 8mm analog tapes can be played in a DV8 camera, but tapes recorded in …
  • Dead or not.... Doesn't matter! 8mm is not dead nor will it be soon. Therefore you will have manymany tapes available (do not let a salesman tell you that you have to use the "dv8" tapes. all 8mm tapes work) I have been using DV8 ever since they c…
  • apparently that is Intel's "ease of use" initiative. Just hate to see their "power user" initiative I just can't get over how bad some of those designs are. Is anyone moderating those images or can anyone post their "great" ideas?
  • Maybe it is an ingeneous ploy to get people to move to FCP. I have both, I used to use iMovie for quick simple edit projects, now I have abandoned it because iMovie3 is slower than FCP.
  • I bought 2 Espon 820's. One for work and one for home. Both clogged within a week. I am on my second cartrige of ink on one and it is clogging. They were not bought at the same place and were bought a month apart so I don't suspect it was just …
  • I have experianced the same problems. I have had sucess at playing with the settings in FCP and then exporting as DV so that I can then reimport into a proper format settings for video. (I put things to tape not to web) But my easiest solution is…
  • I am not a law expert so I will only pose a question for those more knowledgeble. Canada and America have very similair cultures. So what is it in the differences of their respective courts that has America under a barrage of apparently frivolou…
    in Lawyers Comment by buggy January 2003
  • thanks... I needed that tonight!!!!!!!
  • A different perspective. I teach Highschool in Canada. I have never heard so many Anti American sentiments coming from the students then I have in the last year. I have to constantly try and diffuse these dicussions before the students get to…
  • 1) Casablanca 2) Brazil 3) Fight Club 4) Amile
  • 1) April Fools Day (horror... well it was suppose to be) 2) Master of Disguise 3) Lake Placid 4) Born in East LA 5) Last Man Standing
  • a 75 VW bug what else with a name like buggy BTW too many inocent people dieing by young men who are uncomfortable with their penis sizes so they have to drag race on the city streets. Use a closed circut like the real men of racing were …
  • netscape "navigator" internet "explorer" apple "safari" out hunting big game cats I think though I kind of like Chimera "A fantastic, impracticable plan or desire" sort of like Opera , the plural of Opus, " Something that is the result o…
  • I run a lab, with 18 mac. All run on OSX. My slowest 6 machines are iMac 333. Tray loading not slot loading. The lowest amount of RAM is 160. OSX 10.2.3 runs fine on these. NO it is not fast but it runs fine. I actually was running OSX on bo…
  • Aquatic: re: 2) Whenever I connect to a server, AFP or SMB, sooner or later Jaguar hard crashes. Not even a kernel panic, it just freezes. Requires hard restart. Last time it must've screwed up the file system too, it needed to reboot, run …
    in 10.2.4 Comment by buggy January 2003