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discrete is optional.
Pagers? Was this article written in 1993?
MJ1970 was referring to the state in a general sense, as in the government, not a U.S. State such as New York. The clue here was the use of the definite article "the" to refer to "the state." If he meant a particular state, he would use the indefi…
There are many things that some claim could not be so without a state. That is only because most humans have very poor imaginations.
luykx wrote: » LOL You got that right! And pedantic is pedantic in and of itself too. So the internal consistency is both waterproof and an understatement. You deserve a star! Also, truisms don't grant you freedom from their implications.…
Quote: Originally Posted by Luykx The whole point on the (un)productivity of government was brought into our discussion by you, btw. Ironical, isn't it? See post #98 Before that I can't see where I brought the government is …
Quote: Originally Posted by Crowley Now you're getting into unique absurdities. Not a unique absurdity, rather a repeated truth. It is on the bottom of his every post, if you cared to pay attention.
Quote: Originally Posted by Crowley But doesn't that simile take you back to the earlier point? If government is the personnel department (and other analogues) then the overall firm is the nation. If the nation fails the government …
Well it appears we dispatched Luykx with our unassailable logic and wit. If only Carl Levin read AI.
Quote: Originally Posted by Crowley A Personnel department is also by nature unproductive by your measures, if "productive" is only going to equate to $ output. Doesn't mean we can or should do without them. A personnel depa…
Quote: Originally Posted by Luykx A characteristic of successful firms perhaps, but in an economy which is dwindling. How long do you think this success will be sustainable? Is it sustainable? You do have a bigger scope than jus…
Quote: Originally Posted by MJ1970 Actually that discussion hasn't even been had in its proper entirety. To the extent that the question has been asked, it has been primarily focused on whether what Apple is doing is right or wrong. There …
Quote: Originally Posted by Luykx extent? It's at least debatable, as shown/argued in the documentary. And everyone does it? Well, multinationals do, but in terms of people, that's a very small minority. As mentioned in the docu, and estim…
eldernorm wrote: » Its NOT a LOOPHOLE..... its the law..... If you go 48 in a 50 mph zone,,,, did you break the law or just use a loophole of driving less than the max???? Of course it is a loophole when you consider the intent of tax law. …
Posting your propaganda from the socialist Bernie Sanders was so important you had to do it twice? How about instead of attacking companies that avoid taxes completely legally, you work toward a fair competitive corporate tax code, such as the one…
I would quibble with the "we" in your statement. The Democrat from the once great state of Michigan is the one doing the vilifying. We the people recognize that what serves to fill our government coffers is not also the best thing for our economy.…
Another thing for those saying all we need to do is close the loopholes, get a clue. Close the loopholes, but if and only if the rates are lowered to at or below the OECD average. The US currently has the highest corporate rates in the OECD. Getti…
I could not agree more with the comments from Rand Paul. This is a disgusting sideshow, political grandstanding at its worst. It is heartening to see so many here supporting a great American company to do what it does best, make money. I have seriou…
Hoping this resolves an intermittent issue I have using Siri over speakerphone. It will occasionally pull up the siri icon on the bottom, but it does not respond to my voice over speakerphone. Perhaps this issue will be resolved with the new speaker…
Quote: Originally Posted by Ireland Apple knew the connotations for calling the iPad the iPad, Steve and co. obviously knew the jokes would come, but knew they would fade too. Even the name iPod was laughed at when it came. The …