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  • Quote: Originally posted by stupider...likeafox If you actually read the article you'll see that he does talk about other types of racism and discrimination and specifically dismisses the notion that racism against the Jews falls into the same ca…
  • "This house is clean." Poltergeist "Your suffering will be like a faint memory of heaven." Pinhead -HellRaiser "I have all the power in the world to give to you. All you have to do, is beg." The Nix -Lord of Illusions "You have failed me …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Beige_G3 I am in no way justifying terrorism and I agree that it is not a solution, but how else can these people bring attention to their cause? Should they write a letter to the former Gov of Texas ? I'm sure that …
  • Quote: Originally posted by stupider...likeafox "Wholesale group denunciation". According to that Israeli minister that Scott quotes and links to that is "a clear sign of the anti-Semitic impulse at work". But then, even after listing a litany…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah Dude. Yesterday a deputy infantry battalion commander from the Israeli Defence Force was convicted of throwing a stun grenade at a group of children in Hebron; he got fourteen days. People don?t s…
  • "Spandex, it's a privledge, not a right." Cereal Killer -Hackers "You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake, you are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We are all part of the same compost heap. We are the all seeing, dancin…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Randycat99 There's got to be some good quotes from Bladerunner, too. (I'm terrible at this. I can recall where good quotes are, but I can never remember the exact wording.) "If only you could see the things I've…
  • 1. NO RIDERS ON BILLS. 2. Removal of fund matching for political parties. 3. Removal of media advertising for all candidates. With the exception of Debates, where issues are to be discussed and the candidates are electrically shocked when the…
  • Great show, and the dialogue... so funny. Some of the things they have the women say is hysterical.
  • While they may deny that they came out and SAID it was an imminent threat, their actions and tones certainly conveyed the message. Talking about mushroom clouds over Chicago, and possible biological weapons strikes at a whim of Saddam... Even if …
  • I was taught nutrition at a young age. While I'm slightly overweight, I always have been, comes from playing very physical sports as a kid. However the food pyramid I was taught was sanctioned by the meat and dairy industry to intentionally be MIS…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Splinemodel Sorry, dems, but you're going to have to put up with a lot more libertarians very soon. The wind is blowing is that direction. The Republican party as we know it is dying. Go to any university and find o…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Giaguara The right of the parent to decide in what his/her child believes in, untill the kid is 18 and can sign her/himself the papers where he/she is not a member anymore of whatever religion. Freedom or religion =…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Scott There's no bla... I mean african american fraternities There are planty of them. Every group is represented by a Fraternity and Sorority (at least one, though I'm sure there are several for each). And ple…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Zarathustra [B]You'll notice from your own post that (if this is a war), the Palestinians attacked a legitimate target: soldiers from opposing force. Whether they are considered to be fighting in a legitimate confl…
  • Quote: Originally posted by New I don't think it's the terrorists that are crying foul. Its the world community. The UN and Human Rights organizations. Some of the people on these boards. Not the terrorists. Then perhaps the people complainin…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Smircle You always have to look for a scapegoat, you cannot blame the perpetrator of state terrorism if he is one of your allies. Israel is not to blame. They have been victims once, their actions are justified fore…
  • Quote: Originally posted by bunge Have any Jews oops I mean "Israelis" ever been blown up at all? I mean, have you seen it happen? And do you have proof that an animal oops I mean a "Palestinian" was responsible for the explosion? I am ama…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Jukebox Hero Whats kind of sad is that, you know for damn sure, Sharon would round up the Palistinians and kill them in concentration camps if he could. Yes, just as quickly as Georgie boy would round up all nonchr…
  • Quote: Originally posted by bunge If this is the threshold, then Israel fails. They've admitted to killing civilians. They originally claimed to be using rubber bullets against crowds of civilians and later admitted that they used live ammuniti…