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  • I don't need one. But I'd like one. And I don't need one anyway. Maybe I can justify it by the time they arrive. And maybe I'll have enough money to buy one by then. I really wanted a G4 when it came out, but there's something not quite right ab…
  • Your calculations are correct, squire. 16/10 = 1.6 16/11 = 1.46 1280/854 = 1.50 Close enough for me!
  • That last post didn't start out as a b***h, but I got carried away. Again. I don't really want anyone to take any of it too seriously. I'm sure, the flaws in some of these can be overcome, (legal/political resistance usually starts to crumble wh…
  • Thats closer to what I had in mind. Scroll wheels are the one thing on PCs, that I wish I had on my Powerbook. I just thought an extra pad would be better than mounting a wheel in the casing. As for my other suggestions, they are things I'd like…
  • Tomorrow Apple will unveil the all-new 'MagiMac'. This new Mac will posess the unique ability to turn any wintel box within 200 miles into a rabbit. Microsoft refused to comment on a new version of Windows XP rumoured to be in development for PC…
  • It would be an effective tool for office memo delivery anyway. Apple should start an SMS service online (for free, or maybe unlimited texts for subscription fee). The boss speaks his memo(s) to his Mac in his office, its converted to text, which he…
  • Maybe they could adapt the OS X blind user spoken interface to write text messages for you......
  • What could Apple bring to phones? Not alot, but thats the point. All they have to do is pick one with good features and put it in a nice 'Appley' case. People would buy it, because the sort of people who really, really masturbate over the iPods (mo…
  • Surely the 970FX low power, lower heat and "ready to drop into a notebook" (according to IBM) IS the notebook G5 chip? The chip will run in a fairly small box, compared to the PowerMac anyway, in the Xserve. Here however it requires 8 fans (Just …
  • My lecturer has a G4 Titanium, reckons he gets 20 minutes battery life these days. My G3 Lombard is still good for 2 hours on its original battery.
  • G4 Titanium was $2600 for 400MHz, $3500 for 500MHz on release. G4 Aluminium was $1800 for a 12", $3300 for a 17", and $2600 for a 15". These figures are from Mactracker. Whats the deal with the PBG5? I assume the 970FX could be used at a lower…