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- toxotes
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Quote: Originally Posted by Kali The 10.6.8 update has fixed two MAJOR bugs I was experiencing with Celestia (an openGL astronomy software, in case you don't know what it is). To me, this system update is a MAJOR one ! What were the bugs? …
Quote: Originally Posted by TheAshMan I find it depressing and drab. What would be perfect is to just have the Sidebar icon that shows your location be bright and colorful so you can easily see where you are. Which is better, this sidebar fr…
I like your ideas for an Apple "dropbox" and agree that Apple wouldn't just copy Dropbox, they'd want to make it distinctive in some way. But I also think they can't ignore what makes Dropbox so good (and popular): 1) it's remarkably simple to set…
Quote: Originally Posted by mpw_amherst Thanks for your reply. I'd need headers and footers, a title page with alignment, double line spacing and a thesaurus, dictionary and spell checker as good as Word's. I have tried Pages and found it good fo…
Quote: Originally Posted by iMacLover Agreed. I just wanted to get an idea as to how many Apple customers would respond to this. Of course, I also realize that happy people don't voice their high level of contentment other than in a survey perhap…
I did download version 9 and it installed Office 2007 with no problems but Excel was very slow to open a spreadsheet and when it did it was difficult to read because the fonts were very fuzzy... must be some Windows/Crossover effect, but whatever th…
I haven't tried it for at least a year and when I did I found it complicated and kind of klunky, but apparently a new version is out so I might give it another try. At the very least, the CEO's quote on their website makes them worthy of a second l…
Quote: Originally Posted by Rokcet Scientist I don't sync.... I like your approach! I've always assumed that I *had* to keep my computers in sync; this approach is refreshing and something I never even thought of. I think I'm going to give t…
Quote: Originally Posted by aresee toxotes, What about creating the folders in Dropbox like you said and then placing aliases for them in their Home Folder counterparts? BTW I am using iDisk to store my eBooks. As I use iDisk Sync on my laptop…
I too think that what MobileMe does, it does quite well--at least in terms of syncing. If it could sync all my user files as well as at syncs my contacts and calendars (well, better actually, because sometimes it doesn't work perfectly, although th…
I have two macs (desktop & portable), so this is an issue that is always on my mind, and like you I have tried many approaches to file syncing and am not completely satisfied with any of them. The one that I've been settling on for some time no…
Quote: Originally Posted by hmurchison Holy necrobump! LOL! I read this entire thread before I got to your message at the end and then looked at the dates. Funny thing is, I got a lot of interesting ideas from it... but I'm sticking with K…
Quote: Originally Posted by Amorya Me too. Also thought I was the only one experiencing it! It's definitely triggered by something, as there will be periods when it happens all the time and periods when it doesn't. Amorya Is this a Quick…
I would welcome a similar feature in OS X. I spend what seems like a lot of time resizing two or more windows that I'm working on so that they're big enough for me to be able to work efficiently with them yet small enough and shaped such that they'…
Okay, that all makes sense to me. Thanks for the replies!
Quote: Originally Posted by TenoBell This would force you to plug the monitor, power, keyboard/mouse, printer, external HDD into the notebook. Its very inconvenient to have to plug and unplug all of those items. With this ACD you only have to…
Have you already considered and rejected TIme Machine?
I think that's a fairly normal amount of time. My black Macbook usually took about that long to go to sleep after I closed the lid and the Macbook Pro that I have now is the same. I think they do some stuff before they go to sleep, like maybe save…
Quote: Originally Posted by Tulkas While it is still Rogers, I would look at Fido instead. per second billing and evenings start 2 hours earlier. Yes, I think I'll do that. Any little bit helps.
I'm going to wait but will probably get it before Aug 30 when the "special promotion" runs out (what a farce!) I'm using Virgin Mobile right now on a little Samsung flip phone. The plan I have is SO cheap. I get 200 anytime minutes and my phone b…