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  • Quote: Originally posted by JavaCowboy Let me clarify. I was talking Canadian dollars. 300 Canadian is equivalent to 250 US. As for the change in suppliers delaying the new Nanos past Sepeteber, this makes sense from a purely philisophical p…
  • I have watched the last few years MWSF stevenotes on C band. the problem is getting the coordinates (Sat and transponder #) in time. I presume they will have a sat broadcast this Jan. You would think with all the buzz about SJ and Apple that a netw…
  • The U.S. networks cannot, as yet, open up their shows internationally on iTMS but HBO probably could. And it would be a major financial bonanza for them
  • These networks are very short sighted. They do not create a lot of the hit shows. ''Law and Order'' and its various spinoffs is a good example. The creator and producer is Dick Wolf. NBC (and TNT) practically run their prime time on his shows. Dick…
  • It is impossible to underestimate the intelligence of TV network suits
  • Quote: Originally posted by murk I'm wondering if there might be room for a different model. Why not offer a choice between free downloads with commercials or purchasing without. More plausible imo is $1.99 sans commercials,$0.99 with commerc…
  • The computer customer story ''To Dell and Back''
  • Quote: Originally posted by Anders The people here will be blind fanboys as long as things are ding-dong at Apple. Look at the arguments by the analyst and the result of it and tell me - point by point - where he gets it wrong. OK here is …
  • Maybe we should look at this deal another way. There is no mention of Motorola in the mix. If Cingular can pursuede Apple to DESIGN and build a cell phone and retail it thru their stores it could be a big hit even IF ITUNES DID NOT EXIST. Apple has…
  • From HBO p o v I would think they want as many ''legal'' distribution channels as possible. They have some terrific content but are somewhat at the mercy of the cable/sat axis. By dipping their toes (older episodes, reruns etc) into internet distrib…
  • Quote: Originally posted by skatman Considering that your Apple product had so many problems, I'm not sure why you're singing praises?! After complete failure of their product, the least Apple could do is offer you a replacement and promise that …
  • No Apple store here in Western Canada . The two Mac dealers I spoke to on Friday says they don;t expect to see the Nano for a couple of weeks. I ordered online which I think is what Apple game is vis a vis the resellers. Immediate supply for their s…
  • Quote: Originally posted by melgross Someone must think something good is happening. My real time trade program tells me that Apple is up 2.5 points right now to $48.80. and on big volume... 18 million shares in 3 hours
  • Quote: Originally posted by Xool My guess is that Apple will pull out all the stops September 7th, and then quietly bump the PPC products sometime through October. This leaves a stable X-Mas season and new whiz-bang gear for the new year. I'…
  • OTOH perhaps the incredible buzz for Sept 7 caused SJ to rethink any Paris announcement(s) and move it (them) up to this Wednesday
  • Video iPod is my vote if the invitation is a clue. Note centering on the WATCH Pocket...
  • how would you like to be a taxpayer in that county? Makes King John and the Sherriff of Nottingham seem downright philanthropic.
  • Quote: Originally posted by midwinter I bought at 3.50 when their management quit. A few days later they announced the deal with Comcast. It was at 7.20 a couple of weeks ago. I love TIVO products and admire founders and management. However…
  • Quote: Originally posted by midwinter You would be better off waiting for Apple to spin off the iPod division than buying now. Buying AAPL now, when it's at a record high, is not a good move. The all time high for AAPL is 45.44 (post 2 for 1…
  • searched iTunes music store under podcasts "rocketboon" could not get a hit. where can I find it please?