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  • perhaps watch the docu-drama "triumph of the nerds" i'm not sure how accurate it actually is, but to me, it seems to be pretty good. They interview bill gates, steve jobs, and the other big players. they have a transcript on the web site
  • First of all, there is no magic in OSX. just because it's a new os, it's still HFS+, and it becomes fragmented just like every other fs (except for something like ffs, which is nice when coupled with softupdates) jimmac: the problem with windo…
  • I'm actually kinda curious about this. What in the "unix file structure" makes it not easily fragmented? i know that the various file systems makes fragmentation occur less (such as freebsd's fs, which i forget it's name right now) but since it …
  • Brian J. well, again, it's my opinion that the programmer should take the hurt instead of the user... anyhow, first of all, i don't think it's the cause of the slow redraw because if double buffering causes the slow redraw on mac windows, then…
  • Brian J.: but... if ms windows and x windows do do double buffering with every window because it is implemented by the programmer, is the only benifit of osx's double buffering just that it's built into the system and easier for a programmer to …
  • well, real quick, it's actually the "share name" and not the "folder name" if the name of the sharing folder is multiple words or long, it'll be different (that's why i asked) anyhow, you can also try different workgroups.. also, you have a differen…
  • dude, first of all, peecee is totally 90s... anyhow.. no, you don't need netbios install on the windows machines for it to work (i don't) i have mine set up so that it's shared like this smb://[name of computer you're trying to connect to]/…
  • guys, i think that it's important to point out that apple was the speed king about 5 years ago. when the 604e came out at 225 mhz vs the pentium pro at 200 mhz (and i think the 604e was faster ipc to boot).. unless you guys are too young to remem…
  • not all of them have virtual desktops. I'm not sure if it's mentioned, but there are a few different ways that laptop pcs display different resolutions: first, the black boarders, so when a screen is 1024x768 and set to 640x480, its' actually the…
  • i love price comparisons... heh... so i speced out a dell: Base: Mobile Pentium® 4 Processor, 1.7GHz-M, 15.0 Enhanced UXGA CM17BHN [220-5331] Memory: 512MB,DDR,266M,1DIMM 512M1D [311-1356] Video Card: 64MB DDR 4XAGP NVIDIA GeF…
  • hello, just a couple of points: first, as said, dell inspirons 8100 can have the radion 7500 with 64 megs of video ram if you pick the uvga screen. (it'll cost 100$ more than the geforce 2, and the uvga sceen is $100 more than the sxga screen) …
  • few things about RDRAM vs ddr... according to tomshardware, rdram does much better. they show a pentium 4 at 2.6ghz (or so) using rdram beating out a pentium4 at 3.0ghz using ddr in quite a few benchmarks (especially the sisoft synthetic ones, as…
  • well, i think it's important to note that important apps are starting to get optimizations (again, noteably maya and lightwave). so even if the majority of apps don't have it, i'd argue that the majority of apps don't need it (ie, why does office xp…
  • yes, it's no doubt that intel compilers are... to use a coined phrase... trick compilers. But that shouldn't matter should it? isn't it enought that the intel compiler makes things fast (and no, not just for spec operations) look here: