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To me it seems like all those little capacitors have blown and the white stuff is the dielectricum (insulation fluid), might be wrong though. Does it still work? cheers.
oh well, 2,6GHz is not that bad, I just somehow fell in love with the PPC975/PCIexpress idea. As it looks now we can bury that until at least MWSF. Anyway I know I will get myself one of those beasts today, I've waited long enough. cheers.
Quote: Originally posted by othello nothing coming today. yupp, nothing today. Probably next week, I don't think they'll release something on Saturday. cheers.
Quote: Originally posted by msantti Looks like there will be nada today. I don't yet believe it, it's not even 6:00 in Cupertino. I'll give them 2 more hours. cheers.
Thank you guys, I'm looking forward to my new G5 (we'll see what January brings) even without a next genaration GPU. cheers.
Quote: Originally posted by I, Fred 1.6 GHz G5 Powermac $1699 available 'immediately' (one month or so) 1.8 GHz G5 Powermac $2199 available '3-4 weeks' (2-3 months) 2x2.0 GHz G5 Powermac $2999 available '6-8 weeks' (3+ months) public beta of…
Quote: Originally posted by bka77 RDF? Reality Distortion Field it surrounds Jobs and drags you in if you get too close, even if you just watch a QuickTime stream. cheers.
Oh dear, this is too good to be true. Year of the laptop, haha. Year of Apple! (if it is true, and I very much hope so) cheers.
[quote]Originally posted by satchmo: Will all the naysayers on this forum eat their words and rush out to buy a new Mac. Or will they just bitch and complain about something else. Or will they actually switch to a Wintel system... most of t…
[quote]Originally posted by Brad: Unlike the "repair disk" part of Disk Utility, the "repair permissions" CAN be run on the startup drive. AFAIK it can only fix permissions on the startup drive, so booting from CD won't fix your HD. che…
[quote]Originally posted by Amorph: I'd love to know why it did that. IIRC you can set the Prefs that it asks you before if you wan´t to "fix" Files beginning with "." rather than fixing them without asking. bye.
golden rule for HD Utils: don´t use old versions on new OSes If version "x" of the HD Util says it runs with OS "y" wait at the very least for version x.2. bye.
[quote]Originally posted by antaisce: Obviously for a new system as X it takes more effort than they thought to get it right. :-( yepp, you´re right, sorry for my misplaced sarcasm, it´s not your fault. bye.
[quote]Originally posted by antaisce: Logic 5 will definately be 100% OS X AND OS 9 compatible by the end of the month. Hmm, it´s out and its MacOS 9 only as of today. So much for "definately" and "100%" bye.
so how is it? Is it worth the wait, does it run/look good? etc. Thank you, bye.
[quote]Originally posted by antaisce: because it was already shown to me by the developers;-) oh come on don´t punish me. -v please. bye.
[quote]Originally posted by antaisce: Logic 5 will definately be 100% OS X AND OS 9 compatible not that I´m terribly inquisitive but how would you know for 100%? bye.
come on Belle, tell us more. The first real Pro Audio App for MacOS X, I´m really excited. bye.
[quote]Originally posted by Belle: confirmed that the new version of Logic Audio will be out before we see February, and will be OS X compatible where did you read that? I can´t wait for it to happen but I haven´t found that statement on their…
[quote]Originally posted by Nebagakid: This is amazing, they totally screwed the Windows,Linux,and IRIX users (IRIX???) not really, the price was 9900$ for those anyway before Apple aquired NothingReal. bye.