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  • Well, I got that "We'll send it with a Radeon 9600 and send the 6800 later!" Just so everyone knows, if the above is acceptable to you you DONT have to call them or anything.
  • Mine has always been 8/31 as I customized most of my G5. I hope they don't push it back too far...........
  • hmm... just in case I receive that option, is it hard to install the nVidia 6800? Would anything other than a quick open and swap of the readily visible cards be necessary? Would I have to actually get the G5 to recognize the new card or will it al…
  • thanks guys, but somebody found something better. Thanks for the help though!
  • Hold on then, if you guys who ordered right when the Dual 2.5s came out are getting it delayed to September, what about the people like me who ordered when the new displays and video cards were announced? My ship date right now is by 8/31 so will mi…
  • IMO AppleCare is always worth it. It's always served me well in the past, and with a laptop, it's a must.
    in Applecare Comment by novablas July 2004
  • If you want to be able to play those kind of games comfortably, I'd spring the extra 100 for the better video card. 64 meg vid cards are becoming the bare minimum and it would almost certainly not serve well for Halo 2. I'm not even sure that would …
  • Oh come on.... Take a chance? Honestly, who doesn't buy AppleCare these days. And even if there was some serious problem with the liquid cooling Apple would HAVE to replace them or face countless lawsuits. I know I'll do something if something like …
  • You know what was weird? When I first got this iMac, there was one dead pixel (or stuck or something) right near the middle of the screen. I couldn't live with it and I had only noticed it like 5 minutes after I turned the comp on. Somehow I had the…
  • Their whole strategy makes sense if you think about it. I won't retell what somebody said but it's true what is being thought by Apple. If you have the money to get a G5 and still be a consumer you'll probably have the money to afford their monitors…
  • ...... Apple doesn't lose another sale, you never bought anything from them. They can't lose something from nothing. Oh and don't worry, my nice new display will make up for their "loss" of your money. If you aren't willing to pay for the best, at l…