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Exactly why is the opinion of one analyst, this particular analyst, worthy of an AI article…other than it is positive toward Apple?
Ok, I'm too lazy to go thru all 190+ comments so this is my 2¢ worth on the article… It's easy to say BestBuy and Walmart are conspiring against Apple. Maybe they are. I don't think so. Face it, Apple Pay sounds good but is unproven. It could be g…
Quote: Originally Posted by Tallest Skil Just let it be. Who cares if fewer women join a tech company? Maybe they don’t want to be there. Don’t force them. I don't think Apple's recruitment team is planning to force anyone to come to work a…
Here's a thought. Why don't we all hold our judgements until the "open letter" comes out?
One could make the case that the fiasco with Windows 8 had a negative effect on PC sales. If so, then it will be interesting to see whether sales will recover if Windows 10 is successful. Going another step further, if Windows 10 is not successful, …
Quote: Originally Posted by ibeam Dude you are replying to someone who had Mac viruses a' plenty all the way back to the early 80s. Back then there were more viruses for Mac than there were for Microsoft. I am well aware of every minute detail …
Y'all need to go over to Wikipedia and read their article on FairPlay (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FairPlay#Harmony), Apple's original DRM system for iTunes. Lots of interesting things. For example: FairPlay did allow users to burn DRM'd songs t…
There will come a time when the same technology that allowed Andy Serkis to do roles like Gollum and the ape, Caesar, will be applied to reproducing real people. Done right, actors won't be chosen because of their looks, but by how well they perform…
Quote: Originally Posted by macinthe408 This is like taking someone's $5 bill, then giving it back to them later and saying, "Here's $5 for you. Aren't I swell?!" Actually, I'm happy to see Verizon's back-peddling. But this was just a sm…
Coincidentally on Florian Mueller's FOSS PATENTS blog* (http://www.fosspatents.com), his latest post (1 Oct), Analysis of 222 smartphone patent assertions: more than 90% go nowhere, rest lacks impact, seems timely. * Note: I know many people consi…
I believe the proper name for the new system is Microsoft Windows 10.0 for Microsoft Surface (except RT), Personal Computers and Mobile Devices for the Home, School, Gaming, Software Developers, Small Business, and Enterprise… …or MW10-MSPCMD-HSGS…
Quote: Originally Posted by Mac_128 Apple really should not have released 10.10. They should have used this opportunity to create a new brand for their Mac OS, not necessarily 11, but a complete departure from the old way of doing things. I…
Believe it or not I've got 8.0.2 going on my old 4s. Working pretty well, too, without having to turn off any animations or such. Took me a good long time to get everything set the way I wanted. Even installed SwiftKey. A bit slow to get going. Othe…
Quote: Originally Posted by Cpsro Why hasn't Apple pushed a patch already? In light of the lower risk to normal Mac users, I'm guessing Apple is concentrating on fixing their own servers first. Originally Posted by Cpsro …It takes more…
Quote: Originally Posted by TheWhiteFalcon I too thought that one was terrible. The other one was okay. Of course, I didn't recognize either of the voices until I saw someone mention who they were. They're about as good as the stupid iP…
Quote: Originally Posted by pmz Applebees? Guess how fast you'd be thrown out of the marketing meeting. Not if Apple gets into the fresh produce market. Anyone for Applebeets?
Quote: Originally Posted by Rogifan …No need for Apple to have iTunes radio and Beats Music app. Might as will combine them into one streaming music service oh and while they're at it give iTunes a proper redesign. Agreed but why not call it A…
Quote: Originally Posted by hmurchison This is likely the Death Knell for Thunderbolt…Note that Apple hasn't really promoted Thunderbolt lately other than the Mac Pro and there's no rumor of Thunderbolt 2 displays. Don't be too sure. Look how …
Quote: Originally Posted by gilly33 My goodness people like to complain so damn much. First time some hiccups… You are so right. I heard all the same complaints all the way back to the first day iO6 came out. It's kinda like watching a car rac…
Somehow this seems so appropriate: http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2014-09-08/