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The deal is sealed. Just ordered a 24" 2.8GHz. Ordered 4GB of Ram from Can't wait till it gets here. Experimented with the 24" at the Apple store this morning, and was blown away. It really is an amazing value. …
Quote: Originally Posted by cygnusrk727 That is why I ordered an iMac being a graphic designer myself. Going from an older mac like you ANYTHING will be faster then what I'm use to. Take the money you would save and use it on other things or a ne…
Quote: Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood I have a buddy who's a graphic designer for Golden One Credit Union. He uses pretty much all of the applications you listed. His iMac suits him just fine. And he has an older model. If you're…
Quote: Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood I have a buddy who's a graphic designer for Golden One Credit Union. He uses pretty much all of the applications you listed. His iMac suits him just fine. And he has an older model. If you're…
Quote: Originally Posted by SpamSandwich I suppose it depends on what your client list looks like. If you're just starting out, I'd get either a MacBook Pro (to take to meetings), or the iBook if the Pro is too expensive for you, or the iMac for …
Maybe because BTO - is not built yet? And instock models already have iLife '04 - so they're pushin them out.
Well, the delay is prob the result of loading iLife '05 on the new 1.5's coming off the line. But, My God Man...Don't you think you should wait until the 22nd to see what's up (before ordering)? What if they bump the proc and gpu... wont you b…
Quote: Originally posted by OldCodger73 About the 23" display, I'd advise not to buy it this week. I'm assuming you're planning on using it with the Powerbook you're going to buy. If so and if you're planning to get Applecare for the Powerbook, p…
Quote: Originally posted by Jwink3101 when you say from an apple store do you mean The Apple Store and/or an apple retailer. Yes, I mean THE Apple Store. I'm prob going to buy a 23" cinema display this week, and after all the hit-or-miss i…
Never heard of them... but it is interesting. Looks like an advanced logicboard design?
No need to get your junk up in a bunch. But glad to know i drove you to post.
I just have this little feeling that Apple is spreading decoy rumors just so that they guarantee that THEY are the ones to tell the world of their new products... I mean the rumor sites get info... then all of the sudden CNN picks it up... Steve…