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Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. H The only problem I have with Mail is that it never plays the "new message" sound. What email service do you use? I found this problem is specific to gmail.
Quote: Originally Posted by MacTel For a major release that was promised to not have many new features Snow Leopard is turning out to be feature packed. The Finder re-write has been asked for since practically day one of OSX's release. I'm st…
Quote: Originally Posted by minderbinder Amen to that. The aluminum models are a nice improvement, but it's incredibly stupid for apple to put so much focus on the high end and offer basically nothing for people on a budget. They are telling a …
Looking at all the technical specs available I believe that any user using less than the Core Duo 2 (64bit) will NOT be able to run Snow Leopard. 10.5 will be the last OS X version the first Intel Chipsets will run.....Looks like Apple will make the…
Ok, so if Apple is working on a software fix and it will work, wonderful! My main issue with all of this is Apple's complete and utter silence on the matter. What would be the harm in acknowledging the issue and saying we will have a fix in short…
Quote: Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 Ok, Steve's health does not appear to be robust. I thought that he looked frail in 2006 after having cancer, which is to be expected, but my jaw dropped when I saw him last night. You can see his bones thr…
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism So the phones would have been sold for $399 + 5% MA sales tax = $418.95, but were stolen to be sold to a single buyer at $1.05 past the price with taxes? What am I not getting about this story? This iPhone…
On thing is certain. There WILL be a complete redesign of the 3G model.
Safari 3.1 actually crashes quite a bit in 10.5.2 for me! It also freezes and I get the beach ball then it works but slower. Driving me nuts!
Let see I would expect a MacBook Air with something like this to be $5,000. I am sure some would buy it as a build to order option.
I don't think they would do that. The is why we have the 13" MacBook Air. That is the replacement for the 12" PowerBook.... If they do update the MacBooks before the back to school season it will be only to add the LED screen which is in the MacB…
Quote: Originally Posted by syklee26 that pretty much means no redesign. WIth the new CPU's multitouch trackpad, LED displays' and perhaps a bump on the graphics, what more do you want. I think the current design is fantastic. What would you l…
I bet it will have the same black keyed keyboard as the MacBook Air. Makes financial sense to supply the same across the line as well as the larger trackpad. New processors, bumped graphics GPU but that is about it.
Quote: Gah, why did they have to raise the price 100 bucks, faaaaaaaaaaaack. Quote: Originally Posted by Ireland You are not very observant are you? Haha yes it is a NEW model at a higher price! Not the SAME model at a higher price...LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by McHuman I'm sure some Arab sheik, who probably owns $50m of AAPL shares, demanded to get his working. Yes I was in Dubai and people had Macs everywhere. Didn't see the iphone though
More and more I think this is a toy for the the style over substance type..... Not for me. Give me a loaded black MacBook any day!
Quote: Originally Posted by Dave K. A couple of points that nobody else brought up. 1. Why does the MBA only come with Mac OS X 10.5 and iLife 08'. It doesn't come with any other software. No OmniOutliner, no Quicken, no nothing (I also n…
OK so we have new hardware! Where is 10.2!!! I want my bugs fixed!!!!!!
Ha this is why Apple disabled the wireless back up to any device. They wanted to introduce a new products and make the money themselves. I see the light!
Anyone else notice that is has an integrated battery. You can't remove it. It is internal. I wonder if that means a really expensive replacement. Of course it also means you can't buy two and swap them on long trips....