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I love Apple's hardware (current iPhone and iPad owner) but iOS is seriously lacking behind and the company seems unable to fix age old issues, add much requested features and innovate like they used to do. iOS7 was a gimicky step back, unstable and…
Even the announcement of a date for a new iPad announcement, overshaddow any new MS product these days.
Poor Ballmer... less money for coke and small boys.
"It's not just discounting. It's piss-poor engineering work and cheaper parts that drives the cost down." *fixed*
Quote: Originally Posted by matrix07 Just use Jasmine. It''s better than Google YouTube app anyway and there is NO ads. Thanks for the tip Unfortunately it requires iOS6 and I have not upgraded yet since I'm afraid to…
Gtr, no thanks! I want the iPad app and not just the youtube mobile web site (which is quite bad imo)
@gtr: Thanks but no thanks - I want the real iPad app and not the poor website version.
Article fails to point out that there is no youtube app for iPad available yet - only the iPhone version! I'm not upgrading my iPad to iOS6 yet for this exact reason.
pendergast wrote: » Yes, app is gone. No, there's no iPad-specific app in the App Store. But there is this thing called which works better than the app anyway. Try it. I have and it blows compared to the app. Thanks for the…
Geeesh...I was looking for actual confirmation from users who have upgraded and not old promo pictures.
You have upgraded?
To iPad owners who have upgraded: is the youtube app gone? (and yes, I know there is a iPhone-specific app)
Space to roll-back a failed software upgrade?
icoco3 wrote: » The iphone ver won't install on the ipad? If it does, video should be just as good on the ipad... The iPhone version does not use the iPad screen space, cannot run properly in landscape on ipad, etc. It's not optimized for iPad…
icoco3 wrote: » The iphone ver won't install on the ipad? If it does, video should be just as good on the ipad... The iPhone version does not use the iPad screen space, cannot run properly in landscape on ipad, etc. It's not optimized for iPad…
icoco3 wrote: » Youtube already released their standalone app in the app store. Not for iPad.. as I said.
What about Youtube on iPad? Google released a official Youtube app for iPhone last week but none for iPad yet. If I upgrade my iPad to iOS6 will I loose access to Youtube? Thanks.