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  • What are the chances we'll see an announcement of the new Mac Pro at NAB, like they did with FCPX in 2010?   Surely the largest remaining target audience of a true pro machine are filmmakers, videographers, compositers and animators.
  • Ordered the 27" iMac tonight. Now ordering 32GB RAM kit from OWC. Will use it for my bread-and-butter HD editing, hopefully discovering a fun, efficient new workflow with FCPX/Motion/Compressor.   My old warhorse Q2000 Wintel box will handle t…
  • Thanks, Marvin. I'd checked out some of those links before, but the rest of the info you posted really helps clarify my decision. FWIW, my all-time-best-ever computer was my Powerbook G4 Titanium, with which I finished film school and upon wh…
  • One thing I'm definitely purchasing to accompany either Mac I choose is one of the Thunderbolt RAID arrays, my ultimate goal to be able use it as a shareable/portable media drive between multiple Macs (home workstation, office workstation, mobile …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Lemon Bon Bon.  If you really want to come back to the Mac buy a fully loaded iMac 27 incher with 680mx and Fusion Drive.  32 gigs of ram.  You have your Thunderbolt ports as well.   ...with the spar…
  • Thanks again for all the responses, folks.   Just to bring my personal discussion back in line with the original thread topic:   It is WICKEDLY frustrating that Apple is so opaque about it's plans. If, for instance, I knew there would be a…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by hmm    ....   Wow, thanks so much for taking the time to respond in detail.   My current CPU is a Core i7-960 (Nehalem, I think?). I have 24GB of RAM  and a Quadro 2000. It was literally the best I c…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by hmm  That in itself would require a complete redesign on the imac including a different logic board to accommodate the different cpus. First you'd be limited to quad cores anyway. There's no way they're…
  • I'd bet dimes to a dollar that the Mac Pro is replaced by something like an iMac Pro that features something akin to Xeon processors and accommodates big video/audio processing cards via Thunderbolt.   I just can't see Apple introducing a new …