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  • Hi there. I got the original 400 MHz Powerbook G4, and now I've got a combo 550. I wouldn't say this computer is slow when running X at all. The only time it slows a bit is when I'm ripping a CD. I've just finished making a brochure with Illustr…
  • Dude, do you even read the posting guidlines? obligatory: In before teh lock
  • That's some pretty intense ducting on the Dell. Creative.
  • Those "wires" are more commonly known as IDE cables, which interface the HDD to the chipset. On the Mac, the HDDs are mounted on the static portion of the case, whereas on the Dell, the HDDs swing out with the door--hence the "wires." One cool t…
  • I have medical school interviews. Flights are more expensive than I remember them to be, in the pre-9/11 world.
  • Did you check the RAM at the Apple Store? For some reason alot of those machines come stock...they don't pack the RAM in like proper Mac OS X-heads should... saddest thing I ever saw..a DP 800 with 128 MBs of RAM at Fry's. I almost wanted to …
  • I think this is substantially more powerful than the Network Assistant. This is very, very cool. Damn, $149 for academics is a pretty great price.
  • what is wrong with you? just buy a compusa warranty and get them to fix it.
  • how the hell is arstechnica mainstream? btw: the ars forum members were covering this long before moki hinted at anything
  • [quote]No, Dave, he's simply stating that the last time IBM introduced a processor at this Forum, it was tapped out and in a new product about 6 months later. Gamblor, also don't forget that 750Fx was IBM's first shipping product on the .13 pro…
  • this analyst is so clearly off his rocker its not even funny. he should be fired.
  • [quote]Why depressing? Because the 1300 MHz POWER4, with 128MB (!!) of L3 [off-chip] cache, gets beaten by a 1000 MHz Itanium 2 with 3MB of L3 [on-chip] cache. The Itanium 2 is a much cheaper chip. Don't worry. There are a couple of issues here.…
  • this is so wrong its not even funny. ati just announced the first graphics cards that will run Doom3 as you honestly think Steve is going to pass that up? NV30 hasn't even taped out yet and you KNOW that the G4 CAN'T do any better than …
  • [quote]- The POWER4 core has nothing to do with the G3 core. The POWER4 core ships in pairs on a single silicon die with a transistor count of ~170 million. With some streamlining and simplification, re-orienting it for a desktop processor, this is …
  • i just hope that after the G4 successor comes out, apple will be able to implemet a on-chip DDR controller. without the pressure of needing duals, this may actually be feasible.
  • [quote]And no, the 50 MB image does not fit in any cache. BWAHAHAHA. that was funny groverat: put the knife away, because its true. IBM isn't placing a Power4 or a Power5 into an Apple, but IBM is designing the successor to the G4. It wi…
  • oh i agree, i meant premiere as in premiere "cross-platform" dev environment. if only apple and connectix would work together to give VPC some deeper hooks, to speed up VPC, what heaven OS X would be.
    in David's Stone Comment by mslee July 2002
  • [quote]IF, Wintel developers could port their Windows apps to OSX in house with very little man-hours and have the product be solid, couldn't this be a big deal for MacOSX software avaliabilty? Possibly the app could even translate drivers as well f…
    in David's Stone Comment by mslee July 2002
  • herro, /me gives props to theivery_corp couple of points about porting the cocoa frameworks and runtime. -this is a great idea, and something that apple renigged on back in the day. -porting the cocoa runtime to windows would be a great…
    in David's Stone Comment by mslee July 2002