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  • Quote: Originally posted by PlanB I ordered a 2.3 dual on Nov. 1 with express delivery and was given a ship date of Nov. 8 On The 9th the ship date was revised to the 18th. I made a call to apple and they said it was due to unexpected demand. …
  • I ordered a 2.3 dual on Nov. 1 with express delivery and was given a ship date of Nov. 8 On The 9th the ship date was revised to the 18th. I made a call to apple and they said it was due to unexpected demand. They're probably more keen on gettin…
  • Splinemodel.. Check this out... lightweight WRX
  • Bad writing on my part. I wasn't trying to sell my car...just using it as an example. (And I really couldn't be further away and still be in the lower 48) Getting a new 2.0 or even a STi for invoice should be cake. Slightly below is even possible…
  • After I gave my little safety lecture I re-read your post and realized you knew all about speed. Lots of little tards are draw like flies to Subaru and the resultant carnage is not pretty. A kid in our neighbourhood managed to destroy one last week…
  • I have a 2002 WRX wagon with 40,000 miles on it. It's been a great car and it's quite fun to drive. It's not really a car you buy for beauty (inside or out, though many would disagree) It's a car you buy for it's wonderful boxer engine and Subaru's…
  • dobby, When you download into iPhoto you need to change the communiction setting on your 20D. Go into menu (on the camera) and scroll down to communication. There are two choices PTP and normal. With iPhoto you need to select PTP and with everyt…