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  • I don't recall-- do they interrupt it for commercials? If so, I'll have to keep the QT stream going to cover the gaps while I watch it tomorrow.
  • Ummm.... "I'm typing this from the show floor. The box I'm using is covered in burlap and tinfoil, but it's incredibly fast. If I pull back some of the burlap I can see what looks like a Vanadium shell. Apple System Profiler is say…
  • I have a question, Question-- did you not keep your old wired keyboard and mouse in a box somewhere when you went wireless?
  • I'd be first in line at $599. I'm always concerend about storage or battery life with my current cameras. Sounds like this would solve both problems.
  • I've seen both crack and crackheads, JD, and I agree-- they're nowhere near as funny as heroin addicts. I had two female art student metalhead heroin addicts for roommates one year...and one was an illegal Canadian immigrant. Now THAT'S comed…
  • There's a great dig on
  • I don't recall-- do they interrupt it for commercials? If so, I'll have to keep the QT stream going to cover the gaps while I watch it tomorrow.
  • Yes, Hi Ho, I remember I also remember walking down the hall at the Philadelphia College of Art in Fall, 1985, and catching a glimpse of an intriguing machine in the computer lab... As I approached this quirky looking box with what seemed t…
  • The disbelief regarding the G5 is based on Motorola's past performance. I personally believe that something has changed between the time of the original G4 debacle and now. I once learned, to my regret, that outsourcing things crucial to your cor…
  • uhhh.... "discover Apple's next generation?" Could we really be missing the obvious hints here? What do you think "G" stands for in G3, G4...but "Generation!" G1=601 PPC G2=604/603/603e G3=750 G4=7400 ...and now what would be the N…
  • It has changed at
  • [quote]We have both Macs and PCs in our office -- we picked up a nice new 1.6ghz Sony Pentium IV box running XP. It isn't significantly faster than a ~800mhz G4 for day to day usage, I don't see what the big deal is. Even the Athlon is having to dea…