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Someone needs to punch Kanye in the nose for comparing himself to Steve Jobs. Wow. Why would anyone believe this guy and his assumptions. Apple's doing better than ever
Jony I've earns over $50 million a year, must be nice being sir Ive. This guy is getting paid pennies in comparison
I think this is just as much about upgrading more devices to the newest iOS than fixing the sleep/wake button. They're fixing a hardware problem why would they mandate they upgrade your OS. It's a win win for Apple, they get a happy customer and imp…
If iOS 7 is still difficult to use after all these months, perhaps the people that say that are the fools
JP Morgan is as ridiculous as their iAnywhere idea, no wonder apple doesn't want to take their money, they want nothing to do with them
Sounds about right, they've been in talks with the FDA
Apple is now the king of hardware AND OS' evidently shown in this article. Apple scraping away 30% for in app purchasing for office is kind of a sweet revenge whether intended or not. If you zoom out of the big picture Microsoft is now scrounging at…
mistercow wrote: » You forgot that these are incremental updates. It's 7.0.6, we haven't even reached the 7.1 update so don't get your big boy panties in a bunch
DED gives the term apple fanboy a whole new meaning. Loved the article and thanks for the knowledge!
I like how the author raged about google's hype. Made me proud to own Apple products
The iWatch mock up from recent articles would put this Pebble out of business(though we really don't know how it'll look, I think it looks like something apple would release), this is too ugly and the screen is just crap.
apple ][ wrote: » Who are you calling a moron? You're obviously an ignoramus. Homosexual relationships are illegal: article 80 of the Abu Dhabi Penal Code makes sodomy punishable with imprisonment of up to 14 years, while article 177 of the P…
apple ][ wrote: » They're not too fond of gay people (homosexuality is illegal, your ass will end up in jail or worse), so I kind of doubt that Tim Cook sorted anything out in those kind of countries. Also, wife beating is legal, as long as you…
I don't know what all the ranting is about but it took years to make phones small, if you recall they were huge in the 90's early 2000's. Apple has the right idea to keep it small as it's suppose to fit in your pocket without taking up much space, i…
Wonderful news
They would still have to wait in line for their merch to be bagged. As I don't believe people will just go in the store get their items and walk out, clearly this doesn't save as much time as they'd like it to and I believe this would open up a good…
Amazing, the future is here all right.
I died a little inside when I came across the word selfie in the article.
I recall Tim Cook describing Apple as a products company.
tbell wrote: » Not sure it is vital, but it is pretty cool. I really do not understand why people give Ballmer a hard time about mocking the iPhone. What is he supposed to do? Further, in truth Apple didn't even understand how successful it would …