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  • Quote: Originally posted by SpamSandwich ...iMacintel runs like a G5 now. No telling what the actual "speed" is comparable to at this time... 2-3x faster with Intel Core Duo processor. Each processor is faster than the G5. 10.2 on iMac G5/32.…
  • Quote: Originally posted by ecking That's a pretty true comment. Does anyone watch the video from an ipod with video while walking down the street? You can't, that'd be retarded. This made me think of the AH-64 Apache pilots with a little see…
  • I could see apple ship an intel Powerbook for consumers alongside a G4 Powerbook for those that still need unported pro apps. Consumers buy Powerbooks too and some of them like bigger screens, the extra features, not being white, more power, or jus…
  • PS3 running OSX with built-in iSight and blu-ray drive! it could happen
  • Quote: Originally posted by sandau now what if Apple decided to stand us on our ear and blow our minds with a $699 mac version? not likely but interesting. More likely, 1.5 with all the options, basic keyboard and mouse, perhaps.…
  • Cool. I was looking for info on the dev machines last night and couldn't find much. Is apple sending out updates often? Is there some kind of automatic Software Update or do you have to get them on your own? Is intel OSX polished enough that a …
  • Quote: Originally posted by addabox ... And here's the real closer: you can kill what are, for all intents and purposes, innocent zombies. ... And, at the end of the day, doesn't it seem like that's what we sorta long for? To set aside any s…
  • Quote: Originally posted by JCG The format that will win is the one that the Porn industry adopts, unless it moves to internet delivery/download as a standard in which case it will be left to the movie studio's and rental industry to decide. …
  • First, I think it is very likely that a 3GHz G5 will ship. Long term, people don't remember all the details. IBM doesn't want to be remembered as the company that never made 3GHz, even 2 years after Apple switched to Intel. They want to show peop…
  • Quote: Originally posted by franksargent I will personally buy you all plane tickets to the PRC, seeing as you all would fit into a small Cessna! Is PRC the People's Republic of China or Prescott, AZ? We have a big flight school here, just wo…
  • Last month, didn't Steve say that there would be no significant upgrades to OS X for the next 2 years, now that 10.4 is out? I would think a switch to X86 would be a super, ultra, major upgrade(maybe upgrade isn't the right word) to OS X. There's …
  • Quote: Originally posted by e1618978 The Xbox 360 could put quite a dent in the switch campaign, as you will be able to do the basic computer things from your 360 (hook up a mouse, keyboard + computer monitor, surf the web, etc). Right now I …
    in Xbox 360 Price Comment by two June 2005
  • Quote: Originally posted by AppleInsider "However, from a marketing standpoint, we believe using Intel x86 may prove difficult as Apple has marketed over the past 10+ years the merits of its operating system and PowerPC architecture as superior t…
  • Quote: Originally posted by BRussell I'll chalk that up to "just hope" then. Look, it just doesn't make economic sense to manufacture a new machine only to sell it for a few months. And that two month update time wasn't a new model, it was t…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison The Xbox 360 is Sooooo OWNED PLAYSTATION3 Specifications Product name PLAYSTATION3... My God I have to wait for this? I want it right now. I can't imagine a world w/out Halo, but starting right …
  • Quote: Originally posted by melgross I read four reviews that said the same thing, including Mossberg at the Wall Street Journal. I'm writing this without checking, because I have to leave to pick my daughter up from school, but if it's true t…
  • Quote: Originally posted by hmurchison I just don't think people here in AI have realized that with the advent of the G5 in the iMacs companies and people that would have bought a Powermac in the day are now buying iMacs. I talk to corporate …