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  • [quote]Originally posted by catalyst: OS X Java definitely outperforms OS 9's, and I am *quite* certain that the Windows implementation of Java isn't as good as Mac OS X's. Also, I guess Mac OS X's Java VM is almost like the other *nix's, and …
  • [quote]Originally posted by Eugene: Anyway, at least kormac tried a bit harder. Either kormac was from Korea or he spent some time looking for a korean proxy server. And kormac's speculation was a lot more entertaining. And if you scrutini…
  • Actually, I'd like to see it on a log-scale on the vertical axis. No, I'm not kidding. -D/H
    in The G4. Comment by dtoh March 2002
  • The only way I can justify that bump is a smaller fabbing process. IIRC, the Apollo is kinda 2 parts, one of which we've seen (the SOI), and the other is the smaller size (0.15 microns). Of course, I could be full of crap too.....
  • Moki, I mentioned this in another thread, but I'm also guessing MWNY for, lack of a better term, 'real Apollo' (read DDR, etc etc). Do you think the fab will go to 0.15 microns? How does 1.4-1.8 GHz at MWNY sound (with a bump at say WWDC in b…
  • Personally, I'm with the no g5 till MWSF next year since althought the new chips are 'apollo' given that SOI was involved, they're not 'apollo' given the fab size (0.18 vs 0.15 microns). Once (better said, if) Mot moves to 0.15 fabbing, the G4 ca…
  • I'm with the apollo crowd in terms of PB bumps, since it seems to be geared towards less heat anyway via the SOI. Mostly, I'd really like to see the upgraded pixel density. I bought the 667 (slower drive version), and appreciated the 133 bus bum…
  • Upgrade to graphics card seems to be a given (look at the high-end lap top competition). Dual proccessors seems unlikely to me based off of heat/battery concerns. I expect large advanges in battery lifetimes (which I guess nullifies half my 'n…
  • I kinda like the G5/64 bit OS idea Nostradamus is proposing, since This will have to change not only in the shipping OS, but more importantly to the suite of developer tools. Now if we can get auto-vectorizing compilers and a faster JVM to go wit…
  • [quote] [QB} I know I should just wait and see, but what would you do if: iMac G4 800 MHz 100 MHz FSB Superdrive 60 GB HD limited additional storage 1024x768 15" LCD (good quality) small, elegant, cool $1800 (proposed) lowend Powerb…
  • Ooops, my bad. I just seem to recall that people had gripes about lack of a mic. Me=bad. DtoH