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  • Quote: Originally posted by aplnub I don't care what MS says, you CAN'T do that easily without bonjour. I have been down that road and bought a t-shirt. The later was a joke. I know. And don't get me started on just how shitty ms netwo…
  • Quote: Originally posted by aplnub Now do that with a XP box. According to microsoft, you can. Quote: If you get that done, then that Virginia Tech Supercomputer. I hear they need a deskjet... And since System X runs 10.3.7, it…
  • Quote: Originally posted by melgross Connect a printer using Appletalk when Ro-, er Bonjour isn't present. Not a problem. Here's an old pbook g3 running 8.6 (no X, non Bonjour), an old iBook running 10.3.9 w/ appletalk enabled, and a new pboo…
  • Quote: Originally posted by melgross Appletalk and ZeroConfig are quite different. Appletalk does not have auto discovery, and is very talky, though it's better than it use to be. ZeroConf is certainly more advanced, and everyone seems to be …
  • Quote: Originally posted by jwdawso So that explains it! You've got way too much time on your hands, so you decided to join a Apple discussion board about future hardware and diss an operating system that you've never used. Because tiger cha…
  • Quote: Originally posted by sunilraman urp, wtf? i think many of us are wondering why you are being so dismissive of Tiger. what DO you think of spotlight, what would you say 'we'll see' in Tiger that will change your mind? I haven't played …
  • Quote: Originally posted by gregmightdothat (apologies in advance for rampant troll feeding) Constructive and convincing. You've already proved your point, so I should just give up now, but where would the fun be in that? Quote: The ab…
  • Quote: Originally posted by jwdawso You've missed Mac OS X. Check out the tech specs because it is way beyond a "few interface gains". The applications and key technologies are way beyond "unix" and "mach" confusions. BTW - this is a common misun…
  • Quote: Originally posted by sunilraman you have to remember that apple cannot afford to put all its eggs in intel products right now, once they decide to go intel intel has to commit in a certain way to support apple. this means that there is…
  • Quote: Originally posted by sillyfool Spend some more time on Slashdot. And Anandtech can be usefull some times: http://anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2436 To quote Johan De Gelas ( of Aceshardware.com fame ), from the final section of tha…
  • Quote: Originally posted by melgross I was going to mention the SIMD at some point. What we have to understand here is that Intel is not the dog uninventive company that some think it is. As Ottelini (spelling?) shower, for those who might not…