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Quote: Originally Posted by aegisdesign Software Update picked it up fine on my iMac G5 1.8 and the power shortcuts have always worked for me. The power shortcuts broke on both of my computers, but it wouldn't be as fun a bug if it were univer…
I'm shocked that nobody's mentioned the fixed power key commands. One-touch sleep, restart, and shutdown are back, as well as the cmd+eject power button equivalent. This update is not showing in my old iMac FP's Software Update. I'm a bit hesitan…
- I'm using a Vyper on my PowerBook now, and like it. Not THAT cheap, but good.
Quote: Originally posted by Sekio I know that, but these are things that I think Apple whould put into the browser as options for everyone. Sorry. I see that.
Quote: Originally posted by MacCrazy wtf stfu btw get afk okthx Plain English anyone? Welcome to the Internet.
Quote: Originally posted by Chucker I know these concepts are hard to grasp, but here's a few articles that might help you: Irony, Sarcasm, Cynicism and, most importantly, Humor. I usually have a sense of humor, but the joke seemed a little b…
Quote: Originally posted by Justin I've always found using a computer to take notes in lectures way to inferior to using my brain, but maybe that's just the way I work. If I need to copy copious volumes of notes, then clearly I'm already behind m…
Quote: Originally posted by aegisdesign Now that we're all Intel fanboys and sucking at the teat of mediocrity, this is the new startup sound... New Intel Mac Startup Sound RTFA: EDIT: Read the article: Quote: AppleInsider Article by …
Quote: Originally posted by grad student WOAH.
Quote: Originally posted by Sekio I know most of these options can be found at (although, some you have to pay for) but they should come standard with Safari. I really don't understand why they don't. -option to have warning …
Quote: Originally posted by Justin Er, get one? (Btw - what's the question?) RTFP? Quote: Originally posted by Justin Ok. I'm up to speed. The battery won't last you the morning! Someone else told me that the battery lasts …
Quote: Originally posted by _ alliance _ processor? Small detail.
Quote: Originally posted by _ alliance _ ok, well another side to that coin is that since the Pbooks are basically the same specs as they were 2 years ago, they're overpriced right now. so...with the new intel books, you could probably get a goo…
Quote: Originally posted by sjk Or an iPod sock. I don't laugh out loud as often as some people, But I'll give that a smile.
Quote: Originally posted by _ alliance _ first thing to do, wait four weeks. then, we'll talk. I don't really want an Intel 'Book now. For a while, there will be way too much Rosetta emulation. If any updates are REALLY good, I'll take th…
Hold shift while changing the volume of an embedded QuickTime window to turn it up to... like... 20 or something. Way beyond 11, at least. Good for those too-quiet videos.
Quote: Originally posted by MacCrazy Now can we continue with our mindless anecdotes about past start-up sounds? Yes. I just noticed that this subject has completely taken over the thread. I'm done!
Quote: Originally posted by MacCrazy Will there ever be a discussion which doesn't involve idiosyncratic acronyms/censorship? Just say pornography. Although I should really blame the English as this is where the phrase originated. \ I'm p…
Quote: Originally posted by sunilraman Originally posted by bikertwin ......Not if your wife is sleeping in the next room and you need to reboot your machine after installing a system update that you downloaded late at night. ....... nice …
Quote: Originally posted by Wolber Gotta love how the censored what's on the roofs of the whitehouse and the buildings adjacent to it. Don't forget area 51: EDIT: The roofs of t…