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Quote: Originally Posted by sfgiants320 Won't this be the 10th anniversary of the iMac? Don't you think Apple might update the iMac and celebrate it as the machine's 10th anniversary? After all of those posts, ding ding ding ding ding...
I have a suggestion, in case anyone at Apple is reading this: While I realize it's generally a sign of weakness to mention your competition (although MS is typically mentioned anyway), actually SHOWING the Gateway Profile 6 when the new iMac is r…
I think the new iMac will look like this: http://www.gateway.com/programs/profile6/ (Sorry, I had a long post previously, but it was deleted or not posted for some reason). For a REAL shock, try their T our part way down the right side to…
Quote: Originally Posted by killerapp Why should this memory cost anything really? There was a time (when I was in high school?) when 32KB RAM cost $900. There will be a time when 32TB costs $32. It's just silicon, which is the most plentiful …
Quote: Originally Posted by iCare I currently dont have a plan so i dont have to switch if i get an iPhone I have been waiting 2 years to get an iPhone. I have been able to get by without a cell until about 6 months ago, and I've been able to…
Quote: Originally Posted by shagghie Why not just use cell tower triangulation for accurate urban GPS? Seems like a cheap, uber-simple way to put a pin on a google map for cites with many towers, yeah? Dangit! Why do people keep asking this??…
Quote: Originally Posted by xflare So this article is hinting at a possible replacement for the Mini then? Instead of a replacement to the mini (i.e., the "headless minitower"): Maybe this is when the ultraportable with multitouch will be r…
Quote: Originally Posted by Aurora I Hope they get rid of the chin because it looks like crap,I also hope they dont go cheapo on the GPU like they did in Mini & Mac Pro. Wouldnt it suck if they get rid of ati and use a Intel GPU? knowing Apple…
Quote: Originally posted by TenoBell I guess we can argue the semantics of "crippled". As I look at the Amazon top ten sellers right now during Christmas the Mac mini and iBook are at number 1 and number 2 respectively. To me that's pretty cl…
Quote: Originally posted by melgross It does make perfect sense. Last June, Jobs said that Rosetta would emulate a G3 W/O Altivec. That any apps that required either a G4 or G5, or Altivec wouldn't work at all. So we're thinking that they wil…
I think it's Apple's loss and a mistake. I was actually surprised that ~8% of the iPods sold were by HP (I remembered ~4%). That is a pretty good number, in my opinion! By this time next year, iPod + iTunes will have lost significant marketshare,…
Quote: Originally posted by jasenj1 Glad to see this finally getting close. I believe Google's site has always said they "are working on it" for the Mac. The UI is consistent with the current Google Earth on Windows. The check boxes and scro…
Quote: Originally posted by Wolber Gotta love how the censored what's on the roofs of the whitehouse and the buildings adjacent to it. Actually there are several things censored, including entire military installations in various places.
Quote: Originally posted by Aquatic Good data. Bad interface. Like someone said, it looks like an open source app. ugly. Hey all we need now is a GIS app! Actually, the interface looks like the PC side. Bad or not, I'd rather have …