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  • To me it seems as if there is a connection to the access point, but TCP/IP settings are messed up. Check your settings regarding DHCP, your DHCP server or adjust things manually. I don't think that your iPod is broken...
  • If there is any possibility for you to wait, lets say 4-6 weeks, do it! I would bet all my saved money (if I had any) on a release in April or May. Probably all Macs ordered after the announcement (about 4 weeks prior to shipping) will have Tiger in…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. H I thought people might be interested in this: Since Leopard development is occurring exactly 2 years after Tiger development, it's straightforward to compare the development progress of the two. I sourced d…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by aegisdesign Because Intel is Universal Binary (ie. includes both PPC and Intel) Nope. Intel is Intel only, but contains Rosetta...
  • It's a fact for a couple of weeks by now, and has been discussed in every single mac-forum, including this one...
  • Alright, in about 5 hours you will be able to congratulate me for this post - The usual stuff (some figures on iPod/Macs/Revenues/Retail stores etc) - iPod 6G (w/o touch-screen) - Leopard "preview" (Shipping TODAY!) - Mac mini update (C2D) - i…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by pn18 I know, it's not the font Apple uses. I have to you use a demo version of a replica of the Garamond font (that's beacause I don't own a Mac *crouch* ).D Erm, Apple isn't using Garamond anymore (for a couple of …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by JeffDM Buying a second external drive is be strongly recommended for regular backups. For just sharing files, even a G3 tower is likely up to the task, maybe you'd want a G4 tower with gigabit ethernet, I don't know …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Jakk No, it's not the same. Oh yes, it is. By the way: Does anybody know, whether 2x 512MB (=1GB) (Dual Channel) is faster than 256MB+1024MB (=1,25GB) (No Dual Channel)?
    in MacBook ram Comment by pbr June 2006
  • Quote: Originally posted by Thataboy The article says the invitation is "very limited" -- that doesn't sound right for a big huge MacBook announcement. I think that Apple feel burned by the negative reaction from the iPod HiFi media event. Th…
  • Quote: Originally posted by addabox Hilarious post in the TS comments: Quote: one wonders what happened/happens to that rumor that said product has already been shipped to apple stores with "do not open until may 9" on them" Another box, insi…
  • Quote: Originally posted by DeaPeaJay Powerbook $1,499.00 [...] iBook $1,099.00 [...] So basically for an extra 500 bucks you get a slight [...][/B] Actually it's 400 extra bucks, but as far as I'm concerned you're absolutely r…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Placebo Yeah, because white is so original and interesting. No, because the white iBook has style, and not made out of a "yay-my-iBook-looks-different-from-yours" attitude.
  • Quote: \tI wanna MacBook NOW! Well, you're not the only one here...
  • And again and again... http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1705 They released a bunch of software/firmware updates... ..and it's time for the MacBook by now... Come on, Apple
  • Sounds realistic. But I don't think that there will be a "MacBook Pro-like" design (no metal enclosure), since they need some kind of seperation between those two lines. But however, I trust in Apples design team They'll definetely release a wel…
  • Quote: Originally posted by iRiKLiAN Apple will be announcing a new product on the 28th. And I always thought it was on the 31st this month. Please mods, please close this senseless thread.. (Strike this if he gave evidence for MacBooks …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Chucker Hmm, full-size keyboard vs. full-size keyboard. Yeah, I can see how the latter would be more usable. All Apple laptop keyboards are the exact same size. The only two distinguishing factors are their materi…
  • I've seen a 13.3" notebook by Asus yesterday... That screen is really tiny... Horizontally it is perfectly ok, but those 800 pixels vertically are not a hell of a lot. I would prefer a 14.1" widescreen display, since the keyboard would be much m…