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  • Guys, Here are the I/O specs...no firewire, 1 USB and the entry price...the entry price on this LAtitude 400 or whatever is $2000 American...no competition I/O Ports System I/O Ports: Serial (DTE): (1) 9 - pin connector; 16550-compatible…
  • I am the new guy
  • The iBook seems like a simple tide-you-over-until- the-PB- rev-in-july kinda mac. You can get a 500mhz G3 wicked cheap, put a ton of RAM in it and get someone to overclock it...cost you $1300 and you should have no problem finding a student to buy …
  • No, as is box with no upgrades at all, hundred bucks off. Seems like a sweet ride to me, but as this will be my first mac since 1988...dunno...lots of cash, but this is a good deal right? I did see a refurbed powermac 867mhz in the Apple deal scre…
  • Thanks guys! Someone was saying they upgraded the Bondi's CPU? Tell me more, this is definitely getting more interesting. I have to remember to call my brother tonight.
  • Yeah, that was really unhelpful...is it too slow to do anything on at all...if OS X sucks on it what is the best OS for a bondi blue and is it even worth getting from him to begin my foray into the world of the Mac?
  • Is the level 3 cache worth the extra cash? I know the Alvitec is wicked awesome, but...I am trying to keep it under $500. (Note really corny pun
  • Boston Acoustics...anything by Boston Acoustics
  • Guys, The market is way to tight right now for DVD-R not to be a standard laptop feature in the next 8 months. Six might be wishful thinking for sure, but on the go media creation will become a necessity for education and the proliferation of th…
  • My 2 cents: I am a wintel guy thinking about switching to OS X as well. I have been looking at the ibook and the imac as have you. My solution: I can get by with my current hardware long enough to wait for Apple's release of a G4 iBook with DV…
  • I got a call 2 days ago from a lady at the online store who offered me 100 bucks off of the already education discounted PM933 and then called her back to ask if I could get the ed. instant rebate as well...she said yes and it brought the price to $…
  • I disagree with you one one point...that LCD's aren't for gaming. I spent all weekend playing Return to Wolf, C&C Renegade and Counterstrike on a beautiful 17" Samsung LCD...Good God, it was brilliant, the colors were on, the thing was as brigh…
  • Not to make this a console vs. pc gaming debate and staying on the topic of the pros and cons of a GE version of the Imac I will say this: The PC/MAC experience allows a programmer to create greater depth of play, larger environments and a decide…
  • First in the next Rev. this pricing point is not too far out there especially six to eight months from now. Second...the specs on all three carry over to a million different things, there are companies who cater to gamers alone for their pc's and …
  • I would buy the GE tomorrow, that would be a sweet ride if I do say so myself...Oh wait I did.
  • This is a great idea! The automakers do it all the time LE, SE and so on (luxury, Sport editions) here are the specs: Gamer's Edition (GE) G4 1Ghz NVidia GeForce 4Ti 128MB DDR 17" LCD CD/RW (Superdrive is an option) 512MB RAM 80 GB Hard…
  • you can wait until March 31st...you'll be sorry
  • No one believes me, but DVD-R will be in the next powerbook...plus a big mhz boost in the G4...no G5 for the powerbook until 4 months after the PMacs get it...