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  • I'd really like to use Camino all the time, except that I'm addicted to Firefox's live bookmarks. I'm not crazy about the huge page of RSS like in Safari, and there's no real option available (that I know of) in Camino. So much nicer just to clic…
  • Nope, no iPod, though I'm hoping my father-in-law springs for one for Christmas. I was able to find four or five CDs with some of my stuff on them. But given that I've dumped a couple of hundred dollars into iTunes (what can I say, I'm impulsive) mo…
  • Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself "This has nothing to do with a find. It's the bloody city." "Sorry rentedmule but if you ask me.. subsidized gubment owned high speed is pretty lame." Sorry Not Unlike Myself but if you ask me.. blood-…
  • People keep talking about the need for a big splash/changes with the 5G iPod, but isn't a big splash what they're hoping to make with the new iTunes phones? A big 5G splash would certainly water that down a bit, and after all the false starts and wh…
  • For what it's worth, I just bought a 1 gig kit (2x512) from for $78 (via Got it in three or four days (free shipping) and snapped it in. (Little buggers can be a challenge.) Had no real problems on my 1.8 dual. Tiger…
  • I'm actually warming up to Dashboard. It's been said a few times in this thread, but for me the nice thing is that you pick what you really want and get their with a tap on the ol' F12 key instead of visiting several Web sites and launching a couple…
  • What bothers me most about the Konfab mess is Arlo Rose saying they would have to switch to another platform. People like Adobe and the like moaning about competition from Apple and dropping their products don't think MS is going to do it and worse?…
  • Stream This, I'll take your Lombard and downgrade it to a Wallstreet 266. I also got a rev A DP 1.8. To make the jump even better, I had been running the PB with a broken hinge (propped against the wall) and a power cord that would only work if p…
  • OK, problem solved. Yeah, I clicked the new agreement too before this all started. I waited another 5 minutes or so after posting and the song went through and downloaded. I'm as big an Apple fan as anybody, but this what NOT a good first e…
  • Put aside that it looks like the G5s are in for an update soon... My dual 1.8 is great. It's stock, but I've run some alot of apps on it just to see how it handles everything and it all seems to work just fine. I don't know if you're doing com…
  • With my Wallstreet 266 (w/8.6) crapping out, I seriously looked at the Windows side of things. But then my place of business switched from OS/2 to XP and that was the end of that. XP, while certainly usable, basically ground to a halt when the wo…
  • A few things: I'm going from a PB 266 mhz G3 running 8.6 to a dual 1.8 ghz G5 running OS X (10.3) It's like driving my father-in-law's Audi A6 2.7 twin turbo down the road after driving my college year's 1986 Dodge Colt. It's stock (512/160…
  • I hate to even answer the question. I got my monitor within four days of ordering. The computer never showed up. After a lot of tracking it down, it turns out that the damn thing came from Sacramento to here in Utah with the monitor, but instead of …
  • To all those who have received their refurbed 1.8's: Damn you! Stupid FedEx delivered my monitor Tuesday (though tracking said monitor and computer were both there) then I waited Wednesday and Thursday to no avail for my computer to show up. I call …
  • Jan. 1999 -- Wallstreet 266 (Powerbook) Shipping -- Dual 1.8 G5. Gimme, gimme, gimme.
  • deadeye, disco, et al., I had the same inspiration about buying the refurbed dual 1.8. My only worry was that Apple will unleash a DUAL 2.0 on the low end in a month. But seeing as how I've being crapping around with a 266 mhz Wallstreet for five…
  • Been thinking about what the iMac should be getting and it has to be the 1.42 G4. Bottom line Power Mac is 1.6 G5, so why not? No speed comparisons, not even close. The iMac has suffered from a serious power outage (200 mhz increase in a year …
  • Quote: Originally posted by Clive Dream on. If there's a standard for DRM, and there has to be at some point, then it's more likely to be adopted by Apple than it is by MS (because Apple can't risk not having that content where MS probably can de…
  • People, people, people, Where's the AI vision? The argument against the music companies for years now is that they are stuck in the early 90s, with their high CD prices and lack of Internet distribution incentive. In comes Apple, offering not…
  • I was a hockey goalie for quite a while. When someone scores a nice goal on you, you've been 'beaten like a rented mule.' Happened pretty often in the early going. They tried to tag me with 'red-headed stepchild' but fortunatly hockey allows a c…