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  • Quote: Originally Posted by krispie That was hard work, getting an answer. Those are mostly about tweaks rather than re-design. And they still don't answer my original point, which was that "being 5 years old" isn't a reason for change. …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by krispie Good grief, are you a politician?! I'll ask this in as simple terms as I can: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CURRENT DESIGN? If you don't know that, then changing it won't necessarily be a change for the better, …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by mzaslove Didn't say one way or the other. I responded to your cocksure flat-out certainty of why they should change it and that they would (though you hedged when). I think they will change it, as the MBA is probably…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by krispie Turn it around? Because you can't answer the question? Who said the iPod or anything else shouldn't change? I'm countering the argument that it must change because it's five years old. That's wrong. I…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by mzaslove I can't say they aren't going to change the design, but Porsche (a luxury/semi-exotic car maker) has kept the 911 body design (a quite amazing design by the way) for how long? 40, almost 50 years? Yeah, they…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by krispie No. And all those words and you still didn't answer the question. What's wrong with the current design, and what needs changing? Let's turn this discussion around... By your line of reasoning, Apple…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by krispie What's wrong with the current industrial design? There's no point in change for the sake of it, and there's nothing wrong (IMO) with the current design. If they DO come up with something better then gre…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by WolF_00 I respect your view, but i do not think there will be any new design for MBP during the first half of 2008. Because apple must be spent a lot of money to design MBA. For that apple have to sell large quantities…
  • Apple is not going to announce new MacBooks. Forget it. MB are brand new, low cost and *extremely* competitive. Expect Apple to squeeze much more life out of the MacBooks. Instead, expect Apple to announce a brand new MacBook Pro case design. Th…
  • Is anyone else tired of the Powerbook/Macbook Pro enclosure design? I am. It dates back to 2003. Thats 4+ years old for crying out loud. A near eternity in the laptop space. I bet all the noise we are hearing about a new metal enclosure is likely a…
  • I have a pretty good feeling that Apple is going to announce the 970MP on April 17th (and not only Pro software upgrades)... Why? Well, on MR/AI: "Meanwhile, according to Appleinsider Apple will be holding a special invitation-only event on S…
  • all of this talk about iBooks...well, i finally jumped in and bought one! the 12" one. i can't is currently "Being Assembled". i had an airport card and 512MB added too! can't wait -dkillian
  • yep, this has happened to me...charge the thing up, don't use it for 2 days and find out the battery is dead. btw, i have a 20giger w/ v1.2 running. i got fed up and called apple support. they sent an empty box to return it. i haven't yet hear…
  • Move your /Mac HD/<username>/Music/iTunes folder (and any accompanying iTune's related files) into the Shared folder (the one under /Mac HD/Shared)...then create aliases for the iTune's Folder and related files...and put them back in t…
  • holy sh*t...i just received my new 800Mhz iBook (640MB)...this thing flies! it is ridiculous! it is just as fast as my 800Mhz 17" iMac for nearly every regular is absolutely incredible! i love this thing, i can't stop fiddling with it…
  • I agree with Slick...finally an original idea...this thread is getting very interesting... -d
    in iClock Comment by dkillian October 2002