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Quote: Originally Posted by anantksundaram Ugh. Looks like loser of a movie. What an insult. I wish people would stop living their lives through Jobs, and get a life of their own (as he advised). Couldn't agree more. It's like dedicating Le…
Quote: Originally Posted by orange whip no it's not you can squeeze more than enough pixels into that size Not sure it is a pixel issue. I think the issue is just size. I think the average consumer purchasing an HDTV is looking for a minimu…
"Apple explains iTunes Match with video, FAQ" I read that like "iTunes Match with Video" I was excited and quickly let down. Oh well. That being said, I think iTunes Match is pretty clear. I've had no issues with it.
Don't flatter yourself Sprint. You sucked way before the iPhone came along. I wouldn't switch back to Sprint if they became the only company to offer the iPhone. They walked away with hundreds of my dollars and kept accusing me of trying to rip THEM…
Quote: Originally Posted by AppleZilla 'Consumers Don't Want Tablets, They Want iPads.' I agree, but the competitors are actually pretty nice devices (Galaxy is my favorite non-iPad, but HP seems nice too based on my limited test run). They ar…
Great! I'm glad this has happened. I really enjoy using flash, but with the lack of iPhone support, I have had to cut back on using it on projects. I sort of figured this would be the direction Adobe would go rather than trying to find all of these …
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism What I don?t understand is why Amazon doesn?t have a Windows app store. I imagine a Windows App Store is in the works, but they don't have the infrastructure in place to handle that much traffic. It's one …
Quote: Originally Posted by Apple ][ Pervert, pedophile teacher molests sixth grade student. 13 years later, the teacher can't be fired and continues to receive full salary. Pierre was permanently removed from the classroom in 1997 after he wa…
As a teacher, I couldn't agree more. Unions help unions, not workers. I can't think of a time a union actually helped a teacher keep his job in a way that they still wanted to work there afterwards. Unions just delay the inevitable and fuel the enti…
Quote: Originally Posted by anantksundaram Great comment. I agree. And, we'll be bombarded with snide comments about how Microsoft originally thought of it (despite their inability to implement it in any way, shape or form), HP's CEO said it w…
Quote: Originally Posted by Eriamjh Ageed. I'll pay $10 a month to watch movies because I watch them once then move on. But music I listen to over and over (and all over... Car, house, garage, gym, etc.) So I gotta own it! C'mon, Apple! Give…
Well... We certainly cannot have the kids fighting over who gets to use the iPad. I won't tolerate fighting. Do you think my wife will buy that logic?
Quote: Originally Posted by macFanDave Ooh, I'm shaking! The Sony brand is now about as cool and relevant as Brylcreem. ...a fine pomade, but sure, we get it.
So it begins...
Quote: Originally Posted by solipsism I think most of us saw this coming a mile away. No other reason to make Cocoa-based iOS apps HTML/CSS/JS if you don?t plan to eventually unseat Adobe Flash ads across the web as a whole. Beat me to it. Thi…
Cool! I sort of hope it's sooner, but a little over 3 months sounds about right.
Quote: Originally Posted by frankie I would guess wireless headphones more likely, especially since apple just bought a wireless headphone company... Ah... Wireless headphones. Another way for Apple to sell proprietary stuff. Ever since my fi…
Why would Apple focus on any Live TV options? There are several apps and websites that support live television already with additional hardware. I see Comcast and DirectTV creating an app that lets you watch your TV from anywhere for all the vari…
You don't think it has something to do with the Terminator-esk advertising Droid has saturated our living rooms with, do you?
and the other 20% want an 11" MacBook Air