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  • So what did you HD-DVD guys think of the Superbowl commercial last night? I was quite suprised that they got a spot and wish that Sony had fought for one but after seeing the commercial and everyone in the room's reaction I couldn't help but la…
  • Porn HD article in NYT - Quote: One major company, Digital Playground, plans to release its first four HD-DVD titles this month, and plans four new ones each month. In March, Vivid plans to r…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by hmurchison Snoopy That's not how it's going down PS3 sales had their worst week in sales PS3 sales dropping in Japan Playstation 3 missies goals by %25 Sony only sold 490,700 consoles in December T…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by franksargent w00t! Do the math; (1920*1080)/ (720*480) = 6 (like you said) 25GB (Blu-Ray SL)/5GB (DVD) = 5 30GB (HD-DVD DL)/5GB (DVD) = 6 Therefore, 6 (or 5) times the storage versus 6 times the the file s…
  • I just was just on Netflix looking for new Blu-ray movies to add to my queue, when I noticed that the Sopranos Season 6 was available. So I started wondering if they were able to consolidate these seasons onto less discs and would Blu-ray have an a…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Kolchak You're kidding, right? Porn has never been renowned for the quality of its productions. From scripts to lighting to camerawork and especially to acting, it's always been second-rate, done by people who aren't g…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by bitemymac Well... I don't have any figures on the HDTV's, but one of the big movement you can see for yourself is that when you go to most Costco, TV section is the only sectiong growing and all you see there is HDTV's …
  • While I'm on the subject of factual information, does anyone have any links to the number of HDTVs that are in peoples' homes or at least an estimate? I've been seeing tons of articles quoting NPD numbers but then those numbers are different from …
  • Yes, I'm in the Blu-ray camp. However, I'm really not pissing on anything when I'm asking for data that can be backed up. 10.4 Million 360s is all over the place and yet I can't find the numbers to support it. I've tabulated all the NPD data …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by marzetta7 BTW, I believe the estimates were for 10.4 M "shipped" just like Sony "shipped" 1 million consoles, which doesn't necessarily correlate to sold. Yeah what's up with that? Does anyone know where to get dat…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by bitemymac Only with projected PS3 #, but since PS3 sales aren't going to reach as high as expected, the projected numbers would be revised. BTW.... what is the attachement figure of PS3 purchase as a sole BD player?.…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by hmurchison Where in the hell did you get these numbers? Warner is including the PS3. There's no way 6.2 million dedicated BD players are getting sold this year. Look at their movie projections and you'll find attac…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by kupan787 So we already see some bias. Only people who check there email and it didn't get filtered out as SPAM, and only those that signed up for a Sony Online account. Would have been much better to put cards in every…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by kupan787 First, its a study done by Sony, so what do you expect. Lets see some independent research done. Secondly, we no nothing of the methodology. The article doesn't explain who was polled (aside from PS3 users), a…
  • What's the point of the TotalHD disc, when they acknowledge that Blu-ray is going to have almost 3 times as many production units at retail over 2007 than HD-DVD, not even including the PS3?
  • Quote: Originally Posted by OldCodger73 Also from AVSforum's Blu-Ray board, in a poll of B-R player owners, approximately 2/3 have the PS3 as a player. About 1/3 also have a HD-DVD player. Definitely not the average consumers there. Going back…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Elixir uhh the xbox 360 launched in all 3 territories and had limited supply for a long time so it really isn't a straight comparison of demand (kicking ass on either side). the 700k isn't even a definite. also its of…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by bitemymac As much as it is important to have the right size of display, the right source of view material can play even bigger role. Check out King Kong and Hulk in HD-DVD on 1080p display.... there's no other source…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by SDW2001 Exactly. I have Panasonic 42" 1080i set. Not 1080p. Either way you slice it, the HD content looks much better. Secondly, I bought I PS3 because, well, I like video games and I never had a PS2. The Blu-Ra…
  • Got off topic on my earlier post so will try to reign it in here. The reason I mentioned 1080p and gave my nod to the 360 is because at this time an HD movie is not going to be worth the 50%+ price increase to most people without it or a large TV, …