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- belfast-biker
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Quote: Originally Posted by belfast-biker On iTune latest, downloaded the 2.1 update for my 3G iphone which tried to automatically run, and it gave an unknown error in itunes, and now my iphone is stuck on a screen with the itunes logo, and a usb…
That's a "no" then. Pity. Cheers....
Quote: Originally posted by LotharSNL Argo. Like to see it operate. Hmmm, one of the few ipod rivals that actually looks kinda sexy.
Quote: Originally posted by melgross you're right. WiFi is the best, of course. But it really sucks power. Yup true - I tend to only turn Wifi on when I'm attached to the power (suits me with a wireless network at home, and not many wif…
Yeah, the post I was referring to was the one where you say it "maxes out at either 20KB or 60KB a second". Granted, after I asked the question, he talked about how his Sony phone got 20KB/sec, but I can hardly predict what he's going to typ…
Quote: Originally posted by aegisdesign Which is why I wrote KB and not Kb. It's not confusing if you read correctly and can divide by 8 without thinking. Comes naturally to a programmer. Sorry. Most people who talk about quality regardin…
Quote: Originally posted by Chucker He answered that in detail in the remainder of his post. He says "Bluetooth A2DP is ok if you're listening to low bitrate music but it currently maxes out at either 20KB or 60KB a second. What does it do …
Quote: Originally posted by aegisdesign No. I meant KB not Kb or kb. Fair enough - it's just that you referred to KB as the limiting factor, yet said it couldn't run a certain mp3 rated in kb. It would have been clearer to speak about eithe…
Quote: Originally posted by aegisdesign Bluetooth A2DP is ok if you're listening to low bitrate music but it currently maxes out at either 20KB or 60KB a second. What does it do when you try playing a 320Kb/s mp3? Apple to release Wireless…
Quote: Originally posted by aegisdesign Bluetooth A2DP is ok if you're listening to low bitrate music but it currently maxes out at either 20KB or 60KB a second. you mean 20 or 60kb, yes? I've heard files with bitrates that low on wired d…
Quote: Originally posted by bcharna 1. Thats a pretty sad config. 2. No Hard drive, 3. Windows, 4. no content provider with a good UI aka iTunes, 5. and you can't possibly enjoy music with Motorola bluetooth headphones 1. If it works be…
Quote: Originally posted by Flick Justice I don't know who is left honsetly.. no tv. you ride I assume? Flick. I do, but not enough, as far as my big tummy is concerned... BTW, there's some pics of the TdF I was at on my galle…
Quote: Originally posted by Flick Justice who do you think is going to rise to the occasion? Had money on Basso, but now, I have no idea. Even before Basso et al were taken out, I liked the idea of Hincapie doing well...
Quote: Originally posted by Flick Justice thats why I want to see it.. any one can take it. flick. Fair point, but IMHO, I may as well be watching the Vuelta or Giro instead, and I never watch those.
tvrss looks like a nice site! I love the TdF, and went over in 2004 to see the final live, and got some superb shots, but this years has totally sailed over my head. With no Lance, Ulrich, Basso etc, there's simply NO reason to watch it.
Quote: Originally posted by ashnazg Apple is one of the few companies that doesn't need competition to stay innovative. Totally disagree with that. Before I killed it using electricity accidently (sigh) I had an iRiver H120 20GB pla…
Quote: Originally posted by MiMac Hi there. Welcome to AppleInsider! Glad you got those issues sorted out. Just a tip... for any technical issues you may have try Genius Bar. Some of the Mods here can get pretty pissed with posts in the wrong f…