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  • Just get your IT department to install Outlook Web Access on the Exchange Server, and do everything through your browser. Tim
  • Depends what kind of proxy server you are using. If it is MS Proxy Server 2, then it runs 3 services Web Proxy, Winsock Proxy and SOCKS Proxy. Web Proxy is only compatible with CERN compliant browsers, therefore IE and most other browsers should c…
  • While I appreciate the sentiments of the above, you can never do wrong with getting a book about something new to you. At the very least it will confirm that you are doing things right, and you won't be thinking, am I missing something out here. …
  • I run VPC with Windows 2000 both on my iBook 600 Combo and new iMac 800 Superdrive. VPC to be fair is slowwwwww! but at the same time, it's emulation, and considering what it is doing is pretty good. I'm a patient man, so can deal with the fact …
  • Click Start > Run and type COMMAND (or CMD if you are using NT/2000/XP). This will run a command prompt. If you are not at the root of C\ just type CD\\ and that should take you to the root of C\ (providing it was at the C: prompt) It wo…
  • Hi, Just come back here to tell you I've figured it out. I was playing around with a chain that goes round my neck that holds my security fob for work. I noticed that the latch button on the front of the iBook is magnetic while moving the cha…
  • Hi, I got my iMac on 14/02/02 after ordering on the 9th Jan (I think). Tried posting on the board, but the bloody thing didn't give me my password until today ????? Anyway, very impressed with it. I got an iBook too on the same day, and am…