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  • The amount of Hype and BS over what Apple has done, is doing, may do etc is mind boggling. How about some real facts rather than ridiculous drivel that is totally out of character for a closed monolithic company?
  • Quote: Originally Posted by badtux Err, 13" laptops are not so "yesterday". They are the leading edge in most of the world, which is why you cannot get a Sony or Hitachi 13" laptop for under $1800. Apple's 13" line is very competitively priced co…
  • 13 inch laptops are so yesterday. It's about time Apple started offering value for the dollar by releasing a 15 inch Mac Book. With component prices so low, Apple seems more interested in charging 2 year old prices for today's lower cost parts. …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by palex9 ...development wrapping up faster than expected...no, wait! leopard delayed until october to be compatible with vista!! ...sorry, disregard bogus rumor! leopard actually nearing final candidate stage....leopard …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by kukito Their cost? Check this out. AMD must really be desperate. Now they have their fanboys invading Apple discussion groups, since they're getting pummeled by Intel users in the PC groups. They obviously think App…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Anklosaur For one thing (and a very important one) Apple makes huge demands on it's partners. Partly because they can, but mostly to protect the "Mac'ness", "iPod'ness" (or what have you) of the Apple Product Experienc…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Chucker No, but certainly for the next few years. The amount of collaboration between the two companies is something AMD doesn't have the resources to pull off. Sorry, but I have to laugh! What has Intel done for A…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Chucker No, there isn't. Really? An how would you know that? Do you seriously think Apple will stay Intel forever?
  • Quote: Originally Posted by SilentSpectre Apple is behind in graphics. It tends to take them a little while to get boards and drivers ready, and unfortunately with the new generation of graphics cards from nVidia (and soon AMD/ATi) supporting th…
  • Just a tidbit of info: ATI X1000 series cards already can handle video encoding much faster than the CPU. Check out AMD's (ATI) website on this. If Apple furthers the usage of the raw horsepower of the graphics engines, especially ATI cards, video…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by @homenow The Quad core Mac Pro's There are no Quad-core Mac Pros only 2 x dual-core Xeons. There's a huge difference between a true quad-core and 2 dual-cores. Btw, Intels quad-core is not a true quad-core just 2 …
  • Quote: Originally posted by TenoBell "But can it run Aero?" you ask, and that answer to that is yes. It can run the upcoming Aero interface to Windows Vista; Microsoft's own Vista upgrade advisor says so. The e1405 passes the video portion of…
  • Quote: Originally posted by aircft.sys.spec. What is with you integrated graphics guys. The best Intel integrated graphics, performs worse then a 2 or 3 year old low end graphics card. The only argument you have for them is that they are cheap.…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Placebo As long as they offer the latest PC cards and don't charge cartel prices for them, I'm happy. Actually, I think it's about time we Mac users get a pro machine where we can upgrade the graphics to our heart'…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Anders My guess: The Intel iMac was rolling off the assembly lines and ate all the chips Apple could get their hands on. They had assumed that they could also feed the MacBook Pro line when it finally was up running. …
  • Quote: Originally posted by AppleInsider Apple's announcement today that it has dropped the 1.67GHz Intel Core Duo processor from its professional MacBook Pro line -- in favor of using faster chips -- presents the possibility that the company may…
  • Quote: Originally posted by Chad Shorebird Hey everyone, I currently own a 3rd gen ipod (with the 4 buttons above the scroll wheel) and the battery life seems to be going. I am thinking of upgrading to the black version of the 60 gig video. …
  • Quote: Originally posted by snoopy I agree. I think there is no doubt at all that Apple has 970MP daughter cards, but has even started manufacture of new PowerMac to build up inventory. If not yet, it will begin very soon. Apple had 970MP samp…
  • I've been pondering this IBM dual-core chips scenario upgrades for Mac and frankly, like many have said so far, there will be performance gains with some apps and little to none with many. My point is the following: with Apple going to Intel start…
  • Quote: Originally posted by PB What is tomorrow? Earnings day for Apple today. If they have anything new to announce, it'll be today otherwise several more months with nothing new on the shelves.