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  • Well, was 7 dollars worth waiting this long... It still hasn't even shipped from Amazon.
  • On the main iPod window (in iTunes), the one that shows the picture, information, and version information. Go down and check the box that says "manually manage music and videos". This will allow you to drag and drop music, and play it back off yo…
  • [hopefullness] Could someone upload the apps from the iphone and then we could download them and put them on the ipod touch? [/hopefullness]
  • It needs a camera. I want an iPod with a camera more than I want an iPod with the internet. It needs a song-sender thing. But better than the Zunes. It needs IM, mail, google maps, stocks, and weather... It has the internet.... I'm still …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Karl Kuehn You can't download files to the iPhone, so I think idea is probably killed by that right there. But you could in theory use one of the BitTorrent clients that have a web interface and run it on your computer…
  • god i hope so. I will wait in line even if there is no f*ing lines. an iPhone with everything but the phone part.... I would buy an iPhone if I didnt have to get the at&t plan.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Sticz AT&T Rep: Congrats on being first in line for 15 hours to be the first person to purchase the new iPhone! tkelly: Purchase? No im here just to play with the damn thing, I didn't even bring my wallet! (Annoyi…
  • Download iSquint (freeware) and use it to convert the avi files to mp4. It will then also be playable on quicktime. And you don't need to download any other codecs with it.
  • all the letters are screwed up. in the title bar, in the address bar, in the google search, in the actual web page itself. the letters are two letters after what its supposed to be. a=c b=d etc, when copied and pasted into another applicat…
  • 1. iPhone Development Kit 2. iLife Update and built-in the Leopard 3. iWork Update 4. .Mac Update 5. Leopard Overview 6. 1 More Thing... new iMacs... to be released in 2 months
    in Predictions! Comment by tkelly June 2007
  • would the new imacs come with the beta of leopard, or maybe a coupon for it when it comes out? i mean, have they done something similar in the past?
  • Your comments: hmm, for some reason the albums are cheaper in iTunes Plus mode. $7.99 for 13 songs at $1.29 seems like they're missing $8.78... anybody else get this?
  • Apple should make ads kind of like those HP ones, which seems to show off the software inside the computer, rather than the actual computer that they're trying to sell. But if Apple could make some ads kind of like those except even better, thos…
  • Quote: A version of this laptop could be sold by a yet-unnamed manufacturer as early as this fall. Come on Apple!!!
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Chucker What architecture are you on, PowerPC or Intel? Intel, but I guess I'll take Sherman's advice w/ the sheepshaver. Thanks
  • I don't think it would be the 6G iPod. I think it would be a completely seperate line. iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano, iPod Video, and iPod *InsertWittyWordHere* Not all people want to spend the extra money to buy a touchscreen. They might just want…
    in new ipod Comment by tkelly May 2007
  • I like iSquint the best, its easy, does what I want, and free. Just download it, drag in the file, and click Start. It already has iPod presets
  • Quote: Originally Posted by DHagan4755 I am thinking that major new rev's are coming at the WWDC. Yeah they are going to talk about Leopard — but for a full 90 minutes? I think they are going to have time to squeeze in 30-45 minutes of new hardwar…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by jsnuff1 when those rebates end have nothing to do with new products. Apple always renews those rebates right when they end and has been doing so the past few quarters. I guess jsnuff was right. The rebates were incr…