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  • SECRET INFORMATION! I stumbled upon the long awaited pics of the setup for TigerWoods99!! This is amazing! We all knew it had to be good- but nobody saw this one coming...
  • [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX: I see badly drawn smudges, mistermacmike! What's on that wall you don't want us to see? Oh, and for some reason, to me your room just screams "Arizona" or "New Mexico"... where do ya' live? [ 03-…
  • ok guys, \tMy GOD, how many of you people actually live in the 'clean-rooms' i see in your pictures? Don't you read
  • The proposed spces say that the mobo config. can support UP TO 24 PCI slots. I know of NO machine that comes with that many internally, certainly not a 2U rackmount. This is something that probably would allow an external PCI chassis to be used fo…
  • "All I will say is that from what I held, is that you had better leave a LOT more room for the heat sink than you have in your illustration. Let's just say 3 times more space for it. " Undoubtedly I made several errors in the illustration. But …
  • In response to G-news, I have to point out that the VRM (voltage regulator module) for the processor(s) would be located on the processor card itself, as is the current standard for apple. The inductor pictured must be for the ADC power connection.…
  • Hey guys, Here is the breakdown of what all the things are on the red G4. As far as I can tell, the only differences are the addition of the 4th RAM slot, a 3rd IDE socket (possibly a seperate 3rd IDE bus) and undetermined ?? slot, probably gigaw…