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  • Quote: Originally Posted by Chucker Please let me know if there is a coherent point in gooddog's post; I failed to find it. Gooddog is describing what its really like to be a teacher. Visit a school for a week or so if you don't believe it.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by iPoster In regard to the discussion on teachers having to maintain proficiency/updated knowledge, I spent the majority of my Navy career as a welding inspector. In order to keep our knowledge level similar to what we …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by bwik Yeah, one solution is to pay everybody a "justified" portion of the assets and dissolve the program. Just because teachers set up a retirement program for themselves and are 8 billion in the hole does not mean it…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by bwik Heh, I changed the end of my post but right on, thanks. About teacher salary discussions, don't forget the typical excellent health care and defined-benefit (often inflation protected) retirement benefits. T…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by Crazygopher I've read a good number of these posts, and I have recognized the wide variety of perspectives on this board. What I have noticed, however, is a lack of true authority. Only a couple of people I have read…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer For the Hard Sciences and Pure Applied Mathematics this is a bad idea. I'm thinking more in lines of Universities, but it can be addressed at the K-12 if they would stop lowering the degrees of difficult…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by [email protected] I just retired from teaching after 30 years. The starting salary in our state of Maine varies by school district but averages about $25,000 (starting). I worked in one of the larger school distri…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ShadowHunter You are right that respect from students and parents are a big part of it. That might return if you had the power to discipline in the classroom, instead of categorizing them with psychobabble. However, I …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ShadowHunter Maybe you should investigate other districts. My friend gets the same paycheck all year round. We get the same paycheck all year round, but it is prorated. If I take an unauthorized (I have 2 personal …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ShadowHunter I applaud you for your sacrifice; you have obvious dedication to the youth of America. I respect education.....not endless administration and mediocre performance. However, you are the exception....not …
  • Quote: Originally Posted by bavarde I'm not sure I agree with the numbers either, but those 3 weekends and vacations are UNPAID. We are paid only for days worked. Sorry, that should be 3 day weekends.
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ShadowHunter My buddy's wife is a very good teacher and she structures her time efficiently. She makes use of teacher in-service days, she uses strategy's of homework and class participation that minimize massive every…
  • Quote: Originally Posted by ShadowHunter Jobs is SPOT ON! The educational system in America is BROKEN beyond belief. Everyone is to blame; bad parents, bad teachers, endless money pit of a bureaucracy, no accountability, the blame goes on. How…