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Quote: Originally Posted by BenRoethig Apple will do what fits with with its own computer philosophy. We are also talking about a company here that has raised prices on almost every computer in its line. How do you figure that? Only the iBook…
Quote: Originally Posted by Ive There wil be no replacement. MacOS X will be sold for PC's as you would say. Remember allmost all the products have the word "mac" in it. This will make the difference with other pc's running macosx Won't e…
Quote: Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat The Mac Pro only came out last fall and was updated in April. That's a lot for towers that Apple in the past has only updated once per year. It actually hasn't been upgraded since October. The add…
Quote: Originally Posted by superlatic_uk Mac pro is in desparate need of new GPU's!!!! And for a computer that price, needs 2GB Ram as standard!! As it is a developers conference as such, i do think we could see this happen I'll agree …
Quote: Originally Posted by OriginalMacRat There were no Macs intro'ed at MacWorld 2007 nor at WWDC 2006. Still, Steve did say something about desktops being the key theme at WWDC. Could a Mac Mini replacement or upgrade be in the works we hav…
Quote: Originally Posted by BenRoethig Hopefully a new machine with a 3.5" hard drive (and a keyboard/mouse set) to make it competitive with entry level windows machines. However, I fear the Mini and 17" will just be gone and the cheapest Mac "d…
This is fine by me. My girlfriend's parents just bought the 17" iMac. Looks like they'll get a little more time with the current model before they discontinue the 17" completely. That said, does anyone else think that with the 17" iMac going it i…
Quote: Originally Posted by the cool gut We actually don't know this, the SEC has not cleared Jobs as far as I'm aware. You start at the bottom and work your way up. If they were going to go after Jobs they would have done so already when the…
SEC obviously doesn't agree with Fred.
Quote: Originally Posted by JimDreamworx Collapse? The industry would still be around. Just those multi-grillionaires would have a few less dollars. If everyone was punished to the letter of the law, the courts would be so clogged that the e…
Quote: Originally Posted by Clive At Five That is exactly why they weren't punished harshly enough. Like I said in the previous thread... Just a slap on the wrists. Makes me sick. -Clive You do realize that if they punished all partie…
Two words are all you need to describe this delay.... "BIG MISTAKE". Tiger has negligable advantages over Vista, and now with Leopard's delay that's not changing any time soon. They'll lose market share as a result now and frankly they deserve i…
Quote: Originally Posted by Mooch My company just finished upgrading to xp...a process that's taken 3 years to complete. We won't be getting Vista anytime soon. Mine too. We're still in the process of upgrading users from Win 2k and Windows NT…
Quote: Originally Posted by SpamSandwich Man, what an opportunity for Apple... they need to jump on this like white on rice. Realistically it's not MUCH of an opportunity for them. Switching to Mac would still cost alot more for businesses the…
Quote: Originally Posted by nagromme Yes, but Microsoft has also failed in a LOT of markets it has tried to enter. And they stupidly didn't leverage the XBox brand name for their music player In any case, Apple's competing in the BEST way--no…
Quote: Originally Posted by SpamSandwich This is why Jobs as head of Apple can outmaneuver anyone in that space. Given enough time, I have little doubt Steve could eventually displace Microsoft... it might take him the rest of his days to do it, …
Quote: Originally Posted by docprego This will NEVER happen and thankfully so. One of the things (probably the main thing) that makes the Mac platform so outstanding is Apple's ability to control the exact hardware that the OS runs on. In this …
Quote: Originally Posted by Porchland I'm with you for the most part, but I don't see how offering non-DRM content will actually increase Apple's market share for either iTS or iPod. Apple's share of both markets is so high that it will be diffi…