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  • There was one G5 at the mac booth, but nothing was really going on there. There was also one at the some art institutes booth. But by far the best showing was at pixars booth. They had renderman running on it and also were showing pixlet. The only p…
  • Here is my idea for Apple's new mouse that will probably never materializae: a wire-less bluetooth mouse that is self charging. It is optical, so it has the neat red laser thingamagig. Here is how it self charges, it has a wheel, but it does not use…
  • Personaly I believe that we should through all caution to the wind, and make a time system based upon the metric system (ie base 10). Sure for the first couple hundred years it would be a little strange, and the time the earth travels around the sun…
  • [quote] take it with a dose of salt:
  • Maybe they should start rating thier processors in GigaFLOPs. Sure they list it on the website, but thats one of the areas that the G4 really kicks x86 chips, I believe. Sure at first no one would no what they were but they could find a way to convi…
  • [quote] quote riginally posted by ShallowThroat: . . .maybe then we can ask it "Why 42?" [Laughing] -ST or why not 43? I think because we all want to know what it means, I mean thats why we are all here and why Earth is here. I don't…
  • And wouldent it be great if it worked with apple's new Rendezvous. Three simple steps to get the iClock to work. Step one plug it in to the power outlet. There's only one step, there's only one step (imagine with the voice of Jeff Goldblum.) …
    in iClock Comment by iplead5th October 2002
  • I'll take a number 3 with cheese, no tomatoes, pickles, or lettuce [special orders don't upset apple, BTO]
  • I don't see anything wrong with Apple changing the case before they release a G5, they changed it before they introduced the G4 and we still have the same basic case. Also considering that all the product lines have fairly reciently changed there ca…
  • *knowing
  • i think its 1U. How big would the apple logo be if it was 2U. Dosent apple have like an exact size for the apple logo on its products. Nowing Steve they proably do.
  • But isnt the G5 going to be a 32/64bit processor, and the programs, photoshop, illustrator, pagemaker, and maya (at least for mac os X, The Irix version would be 64 bit) are not optimized for a 64bit processor and even the OS isnt optimized for it. …
  • Ok, so today is april 29, right, not may 6, Jobs's keynote date, and apple comes out with new products. What does this mean, A) Steve just wants to talk about 10.2 at the WWDC, or he has something more up his sleve, like maby a G5? Just food for t…