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- spencerfitch
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Anybody else notice the prices really aren't any better than normal? If you click the price guide on this web site at any day the price for macmall is 1068 with the 3% off discount for using appleinsider code. Now you have to pay 1168 just t…
Hmm I'm going to wait... I want the new model.. However if comes out and I don't like it I jumping on the previous pro... I want a aluminum shell and a 13" screen
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Quote: Originally Posted by Denton I say wait until October. At the very least you will save yourself $129 for the Leopard upgrade. Put that money toward the purchase of an iPod and console yourself with the fact that you will have this year's …
Get the Ipod deal, [30GB extra 50$] let them work out any bugs in the new OS and if you decide you want the new one sell the Ipod for 250 and pocket about 130$
I mean it does support 3gb, and They do make it for the macbook, so why would it be bad to run more on one side than the other?
Do you guys think a macbook with these specs # 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo # 2-3GB memory # 120GB hard drive1 Could handle recording 16 tracks at once useing firewire?...... Imac might be a better choice.....agian...
Ok if there is a problem I'll stick with 2gb not sure why it would be like that but I guess its best to be safe..
someone has to know if its fine to run diffrent abouts of ram on either port?
Since im at work I cannot give you the direct link but if you go to www.macsales.com hit memory select macbook Select model then scroll down and 3rd from the bottom is this 3.0GB (1GB + 2GB Module Set) Upgrade kit for all Apple 'Core 2 Duo'…
Quote: Originally Posted by backtomac There isn't any problem with using ram the way you've described . Get 2 gbs first and use your machine for a while. Download a free widget called iStat Pro. It's at the Apple website. Use iStat Pro and monito…
Its cool I understand, Anyways, looks like im getting the laptop. I can go with 2Gb of ram from apple but for the same price I can get 3GB of ram from an apple store online 2GB+1GB, is there anything bad about running it with more GB in one slot …
Quote: Originally Posted by backtomac Frankly, since you KNOW you'll need to take your computer with you once or twice a week, I don't understand why you even consider a desktop machine. You should get a portable and an external monitor. The only…
One more thing well two... I probably won't be useing it for games, but if I get the Imac there is a slight chance I might play medal of honor online and a slighter chance I might use it for flight simulator, however I think I will just leave tha…
Even though you guys really did help, its still hard to make a decision, Im leaning towards the laptop because right now im not SERIOUS about photo editing and don't have all the equtment to record multiple tracks sepratly at the same time useing fi…
so does Imac COME with wireless internet ? As in I don't have to buy a wireless card ect..