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I'm no HS kid, I'm a semi-retired old guy who has to turn in work in Word format. This will allow me to use my iPad for work instead of lugging around my MacbookPro
As with hands-free cell phones, the problem is the distraction of the device itself, not the manipulation needed to work it
10.5 is Leopard 10.6 is Snow Leopard
But note that the application for the patent was made in 2006.
It would take a LOT to improve on THIS VM coverage map: Lotsa white space
It's now official:
Hooray! VM has been my ONLY cellphone provider since I first joined them in 2005 because I'm a light user. But I'd really like to have a smart phone that had iPhone features and was capable of holding a SIM card that would work abroad. …
Imagine the time and heartache that companies worldwide and their computer users would have been saved if Apple had had this penetration of the computer market 20 years ago Quote: Originally Posted by Macky the Macky Having been a champion of …
Quote: Originally Posted by pondosinatra You kids and your Intel and PPC chips..... I have a 68060 powered Amiga at home. Me, too, and other Amigas. Some can run 680x0 Mac (OS 7.5 and before) s/w, which is more than my Mac Mini and Macbo…
I wished at the time that Apple would simply have bought the rights to the Amiga OS, which was multitasking and stable from day 1, but since Motorola fell behind Intel things turned out alright
Strangely enough, the tech specs for the 4S: do not show a SIM card slot.
I read after his death that his wife is the head of a "natural products" company and that he declined surgery in favor of a special diet. This sounds like naturopathy quackery to me
I have neither an iPhone nor iPad, just a MacMini, Powerbook, and Macbook Pro, but I was very tempted to buy the iPhone5 as previously rumored because it reportedly supports CDMA and GSM, and Verizon has a good deal for senior citizens. But a sma…
> Lion is an upgrade and can be installed on all your authorized personal Macs. How does this work? After upgrading your first Mac do you have copy a 3+ Gb file to your other Mac(s)?
Quote: Originally Posted by Orlando By selling more iPads. Having apps like Skype makes it a more appealing platform for consumers. The amount of money that Apple makes from the AppStore is pretty much irrelevant. If Facetime fails and everyone u…
He (should have) amended his lawsuit to claim that he is a space alien and represents an advanced race (of which he obviously not an example) which secretly gave all that technology and those creative ideas to the defendants. ...who secretly retu…
I was able to print OK on my DeskJet 3425 after installing the 2.5.2 last November but yesterday, trying to print for the first time after installing 10.6.6, I got an error message about the black cartridge being faulty or imcompatible. I replaced t…
I delayed updating my 15" spring '10 MBP for a couple of days after reading another user report a kernel panic after updating. In my case the screen when to solid blue with the spinning gear immediately after the update finished installing. When …
Quote: Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore This would explain how so much porn got onto the internet. I'm leaking like a sieve! Ever hear of Depends? :-)
Another reason to wait: I've copied this last post from the aforementioned link kindly posted by WelshDog: DO NOT INSTALL THE EFI UPDATE!!!! for me all has gotten worse than ever!! ...had the i7 in service, they changed the HDD, nothing …