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- kg4mxv
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Quote: Originally Posted by imacFP It's not totally up to Apple. I think they record companies are pulling their strings. Maybe so if you are going to use their music as ringtones what about the people that want to use their own music or sound…
Quote: Originally Posted by physguy For the former group, that just added software, they can downgrade and be where they were. That's IMO the best course for now. Keep what you already liked and see where this all shakes out. If you added sof…
Quote: Originally Posted by Notorious Just wanted to share this experience with you. My iPhone that I bought on opening day happened to have the home button stop working 4 days ago. I got nervous for my 600$ investment and how it would be handl…
Quote: Originally Posted by SpamSandwich You sound like a disgruntled little kid. I am ticked that in one fail swoop my productive tool turned into a expensive toy, That 100% of its design now is to make money for Apple, AT&T, Record comp…
Quote: Originally Posted by physguy No, your logic is if I want it they should give it to me. Apple doesn't 'expect' you to pay they 'ask' you to pay. Don't want it, don't buy it. Again, they have let you know exactly what you are buying now. …
Quote: Originally Posted by mzaslove First you tell me to get an iTouch rather than an iPhone for my friends (having no idea their likes and dislikes). Then you tell me you'd choose a prepaid for the "call any time" part of the gift. First: …
Quote: Originally Posted by physguy If there was ANY logic to your position it might be interesting to discuss but Apple has been totally up front with everything they've done with the phone. They said there would be no SDK. They said there wou…
Quote: Originally Posted by mzaslove iPhones're better for this group. Next year, when the gigs are up higher on the iTouch, I'll rethink. Some of what comes with the phone is the "call me any time if you need a lift" part of the Xmas gift I gi…
Quote: Originally Posted by Carniphage A $200 price cut is hardly bleeding them dry. Why no free ringtones? - 'cos Apple has to work with the record companies who want revenue for Ringtones. The record companies are already unhappy because iTu…
Quote: Originally Posted by Carniphage Please quit griping. You can downgrade your firmware and have all your l33t-hak2 back. Happy now? C. Nope apple is still trying to bleed dry …
Quote: Originally Posted by mzaslove Power to ya. You don't like it, hope you return it and are happy. Me, I'm getting quite a few of them for friends this Xmas. Makes a great gift. You would be better off getting them a iTouch
Quote: Originally Posted by mrpiddly Why because there was never an apple sdk and they never said they would support 3d party apps, in fact apple even announced this before the update. What did you think was going to happen, apple would beta test…
Quote: Originally Posted by JeffDM The point was that it's been discussed to death. Apple really can't do anything about the specific instance that KG4MXV mentioned, they "signed a deal with the devil" and now they are left having to deal wi…
Quote: Originally Posted by mroberto1 I'm currently using iTunes 7.4.0 mainly due to the ringtones workaround, but whenever I click check for update, it says 1.02 is the latest iPhone version. Do I need to install a later iTunes (7.4.2) to downlo…
Quote: Originally Posted by BlackSummerNight This is why the iPhone and iPod touch is limited and Apple doesn't want you to put your own 3rd party apps on it. They have a PDA they want to push, and if some developer is writing apps that will do…
Quote: Originally Posted by jwyatt it's a friggin' phone not a pda; can't be everything to everybody. It's a great phone by the way. This device can be a lot more than just a phone/ipod if apple quits being like microsoft and gets their head o…