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- gnurf
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Well, there's absolutely no reason to remove Mach from OS X. It has all the features Apple need. The reason Apple/NeXT didn't go with a monolithic kernel is that they wanted modern features like dynamic loading and such, which monolithic kernels can…
Quote: Originally posted by piwozniak How do you think they make them? First they take a hole and then surround it with dough... This reminds me. Wasn't there this chain that sold doughnut holes? I think they sold the bit of dough that was…
Quote: Originally posted by scottiB First "Smeagol" and now "Black Rider." What's next? Faramir? Shelob? Treebeard? - powerful, huge Shadowfax? - fast, beautiful Gimli? - small, deadly
Quote: Originally posted by - J B 7 2 - Yeh Shake is definately not a portable product. We're not yet in an age where we see Hollywood film post compositing by a guy at Starbucks. Editing with FCP yes, but not Shake. Errr, not to mention the …
[quote]Originally posted by hmurchison: What does FCP need to attack this market and succeed. Better VTR support? More robust compositing features? I'm really curious as to how "ambitious" FCP 4.0 is going to be. Well, the robust compositing fea…
[quote]Originally posted by hmurchison: With all the Acquisitions lately, particularly the Digital Video companies. Do you think Apple will eventually create a DV Bundle? --fnipp-- Would something like that be a hit in the DV world? I think so. …
[quote] There are consumer HD cams waiting in the wings for this technology. Huh? Where, what, how, who, why?!?! That`d be nice...
[quote] There are consumer HD cams waiting in the wings for this technology. Huh? Where, what, how, who, why?!?! That`d be nice...
[quote]Originally posted by thuh Freak: who made that statement? Ben Franklin.
[quote]Originally posted by Whisper: Does anybody know how much of Quartz Apple could offload to the NV30-based cards? They're supposed to be so programmable and whatnot... Just wondering if anyone has a good guestimate. Well, having read up on …
[quote]Originally posted by MacRonin: Wow. Great post. Kind of sums up my thoughts on the whole 'Mac as a viable high-end 3d/composite/edit workstation' controversy. If anything is announced this month, it will be a stepping stone. The new ye…
[quote]Originally posted by shannyla: [Edit] just noticed gnurf wrote exactly this, except for the bit about Cyborg... ] Well, yes. I forgot about 5D for a second there. Haven`t seen/used one (yet!) so I don`t know how it`s built. The next g…
[quote] My question on brief: Will quartz Extreme be able to off load all (most) FCP composoting, effects to your 3D card? It would be a revolution that nobody has noticed. Well, this is how it`s been done for years on SGI hardware. Flint, …
[quote]Originally posted by hmurchison: [QB] gnurf- How does Silicon Grail's products factor into Apples strategy. They surely cannot support two App that are $5k. Where do they go from here? [snip agreed stuff] Well, Rayz/Chalice and S…
[quote]Originally posted by MacRonin: And I still think that Apple needs to purchase Maya... If not Maya AND LightWave... Hell, throw Blender in there also, for kicks... Why should they? There is no reason for them to do that. 25 % of AW´s …
[quote] That's called marketing, the reason Shake needs a Quadro is because it uses a ton of OpenGl for everything including the interface (which is how you write graphics programs on SGI boxes, which is where Shake started). Run it on slow hardwar…
[quote]Originally posted by *l++: The lack of it is a lot less telling than if it had actually been there. Doh! :eek: [edit was because I`m pissed...] [ 07-17-2002: Message edited by: gnurf ]
Idiot. You got that from a link on /. Besides, that case is ugly. No, I bet it`s a mix of a TiBook and an Xserve with some El Capitan evolutionary stuff. Should be real nice, and I hope they have at least two removable drives in the front. T…
[quote]Originally posted by moki: [QB] The reason why the mobo has been delayed is that Apple is having trouble with the optical interface between their memory controller and the new Quantum CPU that will be the heart of Apple's next generation …
[quote]Originally posted by zero: Rackmounts are very interesting for audio/video production studios where half of the equipment is anyway rack mountable like all the pro tools stuff. Would be nice to put all the gear into one rack and the mac woul…