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You're all wrong - don't believe the hype. This event is certainly about introducing a 3% speed bump and new storage options for Mac mini.
Happened to me - went to an AppleStore and a genius was able to recover my system without any loss of data. No charge.
Apple long ago surpassed Dell in market cap. Interesting to note too, at yesterdays close, Apple's market cap exceeded that of not only Dell, but Dell, Microsoft, Intel and IBM combined.
Quote: Originally Posted by MusicComposer Up until Tim Cook says "there's just one more thing...." One more thing .... Apple television? Maybe.
Apple's fiscal 2009 revenue was $36.5 billion with earnings of $5.7 billion. FQ1-12 guidance is $37 billion with earnings of $8.8 billion.
I'm not sure I agree with iPad taking away from "high-end" Mac sales. Mac unit sales are up sequentially by 26%, ASP is also up. People are buying iPad instead of iPod but are also buying Macs. Folks are buying more expensive Macs instead of buying …
Quote: Originally Posted by johnnyapple My estimate (I think is a tad conservative). Category Units ASP Revenue Mac 4.05 1290\t 5228 iPod 8.5\t 175\t 1488 iPhone 18\t 650\t 11700 iPad 7.5\t 600\t 4500 iTunes\tNA\t NA\t 1850 Oth…
My estimate (I think is a tad conservative). Category Units ASP Revenue Mac 4.05 1290\t 5228 iPod 8.5\t 175\t 1488 iPhone 18\t 650\t 11700 iPad 7.5\t 600\t 4500 iTunes\tNA\t NA\t 1850 Others\tNA\t NA\t \t1350 TOTAL: 26116 EPS…
Quote: Originally Posted by DogGone Unit\t ASP\t Revenue Macs\t4.2\t 1400\t5880 iPods\t8.5\t 180\t 1530 iPhones\t19\t 650\t 12350 iPads\t9\t 650\t 5850 iTunes\t5000\t0.3\t 150…
Apple has recently peaked at a market cap of $248 billion. Several analysts' target price is $300 or more which would put market cap within range of Exxon. It's not a question of if but when. I think it will happen within 6 months.
Desktop 925,000 $1.05 billion Portable 1,900,000 $2.45 billion Total CPU 2,725,000 $3.5 billion iPod 10,750,000 $1.575 billion Other music $1.1 billion iPhone 8,000,000 $2.1 billion Peripherals $350 million Software $700 million T…
The same image was used in the Keynote presentation at WWDC. Surprise!!
As somebody pointed out, the aspect ratio of the screen is off and the size of the keyboard implies that the mock-up is not a 13" screen - they're fake.
According to this data (arguably not always accurate) Apple's Mac accounted for 248,000 of the total 445,000 unit growth - or 56%
Apple has said repeatedly that it's goal is to sell 10 million phone "in calendar 2008". They have never said "by the end of 2008". The biggest misquote of the year. I haven't heard any analysts predicting over 2 million phones for this quarter,…
What's interesting about the Gartner estimates (which don't agree much with the IDC numbers) is that non Apple PCs grew at 2.6% vs Apple at 37%. If true, it's a very telling story about the health of Vista. For Apple to show that kind of growth in t…