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  • Thanks for the link, there are some seriously cool items at that site. My credit card company thanks you too. I'll have to get this one myself:
  • [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99: Who the hell is 1 and how does he know so much about me? Probably somebody on here afraid to say something to my face. Oh wait, he has to insult my girlfriend on an internet message board. Damn, feel sorry …
  • [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99: Shut up man. Why don't you just cool it and go visit your girlfriend? Oh, right. She doesn't exist. No, she does, but she was in a coma. Oh, right, she faked that and got her cousin to lie for he…
  • Hmm, I don't THINK it was aimed at me, but...
    in 1 Comment by 1 June 2002
  • Yes?
    in 1 Comment by 1 June 2002
  • [quote]Originally posted by powerdoc: this is a good new, i expect that it means the end of the CRT G3 i mac, or major promotions with little prizes for theses products. The old iMac is still a cool little computer that could have a place in the…
  • Out of all the Macs in the current lineup, the 800 MHz tower is definitely the one NOT to buy. Of course I think all the towers need to drop in price, but then I'd be getting flamed up and down here... It is pretty sick that you can't get a to…
  • Why would you single me out like that? I don't have a frickin idea. Now what are the odds of me registering, and then coming across this post? I seriously need to buy a lottery ticket. [ 05-23-2002: Message edited by: 1 ]