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  • I hope you guys do realize that dual-link DVI can drive 3740*2400, which is the resolution used in a ViewSonic and a IBM 22.2" LCD. I think a 45" LCD with such a resolution is justifiable. The point of such high resolution on a monitor isn't just…
  • Get the latest codec from divx.com...(alpha 3) This version finally support long files names, a must for someone like me who have almost 1TB of divx files...(mostly legal) Other than a few files from old codecs that wouldn't sync unless played on a …
  • [quote]Originally posted by chych: Look for the Sony MDR-V6 (not V600), they are $50 cheaper than the 7506 (new) and are identical to them (except they have a nickle plated plug)... I was under the impression that the 7506 had a gold-plated plug…
  • hmm...either i'm behind or ahead...not sure which, but looking at the equipment that i had, StarBand 360, it had a direct ethernet connection... Oh, you can't move the receiver by yourself, according to the guy who installed it for me...so can't …
  • Used one for a while...the 2nd generation (current one) goes directly to ethernet. the 4s delay is definitely annoying, and the speed wasn't all that impressive...It's affected by Earth's rotation, outside weather, your altitude/position etc. Use it…
  • 1 out of the 5 refurb'd iMac500 i bought consistantly has problems...I think the mobo is simply bad, or the HD...can't seem to find the order receipt, although the Apple database has the SN still under warranty...not sure if Apple will fix it or not…
  • [quote]Originally posted by BrianMacOS: China doesn't want to run an Operating System that is dominated by the USA, They are afraid it will be used agaisn't them, which is pretty smart thinking. Yeah, like all those security holes M$ knows 'bout…
  • [quote]Originally posted by serrano: their linux is just a hacked up mandrake distro. when you say that they're designing chips, you mean buying from taiwan right? Joke 'bout this all you want...I wouldn't be surprised if China surpasses T…
  • Yeah, China's making their own Linux...Red Flag or something...they are aiming for the useability of Win95, which is rather practical...They are also designing CPUs...guess government just wants in (by force or not) on the big semi industry. Anot…
  • i remember a program I d/l'd not too long ago from Versiontracker that generates white-noice ouput to your audio equipment...
  • let's see...if you average 6 per household (2-3 grand parents, 2 parents, 1-2 kids), (the 1 kid law is now a lot less strict, and the people on country-side doesn't follow them anyway...but overall birth-rate in China is like 2.2 or something, not e…
  • [quote]My aunt has a business in China, and she remarks that all the goods in china are not quality. Stuff like washing machines are not able to last more than a few years. I recall the first and the only washing machine we had in my house in Chin…
  • let's see...the low end iMacs were assembled in China, mid/high end in Taiwan...which was was surprised to hear back in Feb. What Chinese are buying? People want Intel 'course, since it's a brand name...and if you don't know chinese, they literal…
  • [quote]Originally posted by klinux: Most audiophiles or enthusiasts believe MP3 recorded at 256kpbs or above are virtually undistinguishable from CD originals.. Therefore, I think encoding in 256 kbps should be fine for you. Any artifacts or pr…
  • [quote]Originally posted by xionja: i don't know technical stuff but . . . I tried out those Bose headphones the other day. WHEW those things are nice when listening to music with the soundblocker on, you can't hear anything even someone stan…
  • [quote]Originally posted by CubeDude: I just need something simple for MP3's. The Grado's are out of my range. Something under $40. I'm not doing any audio work, they will be used with a desktop. Also, I am getting it as a replacement. My last…
  • wow...a headphone thread outside of Head-fi that's actually "good"... I have a pair of Sony MDR-V6 (you can pick them up at Fry's for $70)...and there's a modification that can be applied to make it more comfortable & better sound isolation. …
  • ADC student membership offers 20% discount on 1 PM if you can show proof of enrollment in a development class. Figure if you wait 'til the new PMs, get a top-of-the-line with 17in LCD, that's like $4k-20%=$800 savings! plus u get all the OS updates …
  • [quote]Originally posted by His Dudeness: I was just gonna say the same thing! Sony makes the worst audio equipment on the market, imho. They are right up there with Bose. Anyway, I'd go with the Yamaha receiver. They make some of t…